The situation²³

Posted by sk8m8trix on Dec. 20, 2007, 6:26 p.m.

Ahh, how great it feels to be another bringer of truth. Seeing as now Mr. PAcman has appointed me to debate the fact that he is in fact "own't" by Luda.

Now this all started with a "Kenon's sister is freaking hot" blog. Which I agree with profoundly.

Now lets see, Pacman is one of my favorite users, so I feel it is my duty to err, do stuff for him, and such. So this here blog is for him, seeing as Luda is begin a total jackass and gave him a high warn. So now we must debate this. Is Kenon's sister hot? Go to Zane's blog for a picture (shes the girl on the right, not the left)

Actually I don't know exactly what to say now, especially since Pac to me to just go ramble. So here I am.











Is that good enough? Hmm it shall have to suffice.

Okay onto me, cause, well… I kick ass.

I have made no improvements on my zombie game due to my being a lazy fucker. And I'm going to NY on Saturday, woohooo!

Anyway the big thing going on now is of course: Cinema 4d 10.

I LOVE this program and it is amazing, I have made a ton of backgrounds in it. Which i shall put on here, kay?

2 Cubes

Glass Abstract


Gothic Birdcage

Jigsaw Planet

Jagged Blue



Tentacle ball

Tentacle Matrix


Tower Break

Yellow Sparks

be sure to see them all in FULL SIZE, have a good bad day.

-Sk8 out


DesertFox 17 years ago

And that is exactly why you are staying blocked. You were being an ass, and you downrated his game.

You can't tell someone their game is 'shit that sucked' constructively, and then try to justify it. Face it - it was an average game with a few small bugs and annoyance, much like almost everything else out there. At least he was thorough and consistent. You were downrating it and he (justifiably) deleted your flaming comment, and now you are pissed because he bruised your ego.

Stuff it. What he did was justified, and what you did most certainly wasn't (downrating *is* against the rules…)

Josea 17 years ago

You can't tell someone their game is 'shit that sucked' constructively.
More clear, you can't make constructive criticism with cursing.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

I don't call a 3/10 downrating. I call it giving it what i think it deserves in my eyes. And the more I think about it the lower I want to rate it. A 10/10 game would be sapphire tears or varia. Maiden Voyage doesn't even come anywhere near as good as those. Sometimes people need a smack back into reality. I didn't see you telling people not to be an ass towards me when i first joined the site. This place has gone to shit, now its like the GMC where we have to be nice to everyone and give every game a >5 rating. Hell why not take out every number below 6 and make us all feel so damned special?

Josea 17 years ago

And that's why ratings are pointless and should be removed (Or increasedlike to 100 or something). A rating doesn't help the creator and gives birth to many problems.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

Exactly. My views on post counts, blog counts, hits, ect. They are just numbers, stop caring so much >___<

DesertFox 17 years ago

I don't call a 3/10 downrating.

Ok now thats just flat out lying. Your comment said that you rated it a 2/10, and then dropped it to a 1/10 for deleting your previous comment. I didn't magically pull the numbers 2/10 out of a hat - those were your numbers.

Of course, now that comment is now missing. Convenient for you, eh?

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

well It was a 3/10 at first, not a 2/10, that was a typo. And He did delete my comment, which means that instead of taking my nice criticism he decided he was too good for it.

Polystyrene Man 17 years ago

Instead of rating things out of 10, we should rate them out of fabulousness.

DesertFox 17 years ago

Oh so *now* its a typo. As if I'm supposed to believe that after A) you lying about what game I was talking about and B) trying to justify downrating a game. Yeah. You certainly seem trustworthy…

The game in question is - its not the best game out there, but it doesn't deserve a rating of 2/10, nor being the target of sk8's flaming. End of discussion.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

I never lied about what game you were talking about. I merely stated that king of Buttons sucked shit.

My rating stands at a 3/10 DF, and there is nothing you can do to change it.