Rock Bottom²³

Posted by sk8m8trix on March 7, 2008, 7:26 p.m.

It's only after we've lost everything

that we're free to do anything

Only after disaster can we be resurrected

So I've decided I'm going to live my life the way I want to anymore. I read the book Fight Club, I've seen the movie, and I think it has the most important message of any movie I have ever seen.

We cook your meals

We haul your trash

We connect your calls

We drive your ambulances

We guard you while you sleep

Do not




I've decided life is fucking gay, so I'm just not going to care anymore, I've decided to let random things control my life, I want to have no control, only then I will have total control.

So from now on, every day Marbs will set my warn to ceil(random(10)), so you probably won't see me on as much.

And I like this girl, I can't get her out of my head, so yeah, that has been driving me insane.

So yeah, have fun with you petty lives since I have decided not to care anymore, I'm just trying to hit bottom and somehow miss at the last minuet. Fight Club + Hitchhikers Guide.

Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat

It's not a goddamn seminar

Stop trying to control everything and just let go!


-Sk8 out


Kenon 17 years ago

Hah, it's good we lost ya.

You've always been a complete piece of shit to the members of 64digits, with no chance to reconcile, and yet you've gained so many chances to do so.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

Thanks Kenon, that can go right back at ya :D

Ronnica 17 years ago

You can be as mean as hell but I still appreciate you!

s 17 years ago

Fight the power, screw center

Castypher 17 years ago

I agree entirey with Kenon. You're inconsiderate to everyone and extremely selfish. Though you don't deserve anyone's sympathy, let me give you some advice.

Letting random things control your life is stupid. You need to have a plan in order to do anything right.

Also, if there's a girl you like, stop sitting back and go ask her.

There's a girl I really like right now, and she's really amazing. I've had dreams about her and everything. The only problem is I can't get ahold of her. Her parents just recently went through a divorce, and she moved out, so I've heard nothing from her, and she changed phone numbers. No contact whatsoever.

But I still try. Not like you could care, you ungrateful, selfish kid. Learn that the world does not revolve around you.


sk8m8trix 17 years ago


Letting random things control your life is stupid. You need to have a plan in order to do anything right.

Society says I need a plan to do things right, how do you define "right" Kilin? Die of old age, be healthy, don't smoke, raise a nice wholesome Christian family? No, I say fuck that, I'm not trying to do anything right, I'm just trying to hit bottom, I want to be imperfect.

Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns

I say never be complete

I say stop being perfect

I say let…

lets evolve

let the chips fall where they may

As for the girl, I just can't do it, I'm not that kind of person.

Castypher 17 years ago

Where are you going to get by being "imperfect?" What do you expect to accomplish by hitting rock bottom? What waits there for you?

There's no point in wasting your life away. You only have on life on this earth, depending on your religious beliefs. If you want to live away from the typical human life, try something new. It's called a career.

Plus, you're just a kid. You can't get very far yet.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

I don't want to get far.

You see all these people, going to jobs they hate to make a living. They want to have something to show to society to prove something to them. They mow their lawns, shovel their walks, spend every moment of their life trying to live up to someone else's expectations, then they die, and their life was meaningless.

I say, screw all that, I don't want to be the person society tells me to be, I don't want society's music, I don't want society's books, I don't want society's ideas. I want to be me, I want to have nothing to loose, that way I'm free to do anything I want.

Just let go Kilin.

Castypher 17 years ago

Just let go Kilin.

Then let me finish.

First of all, get a career you like. Makes a big difference. Second of all, never lve for someone else. It's your life, not anyone else's.

It's not hard to live outside of society's rules. Don't make a big deal over how to do it.

Conversation over.

R 17 years ago

I just realized you listen to Crass. You do seem pretty anarchic.