Sk8 has a webcam?²³

Posted by sk8m8trix on March 10, 2008, 6:34 p.m.

Yeah my UStream channel is getting pretty lonely, so join it, I can insult you with my powerful insulting skills, also you can meet Kevin (fucking asshole ).

Let's see, I'll spare you a blog about how much life sucks, instead I will talk about how much life suck when you're deaf.

I got new earmolds, so they have been jamming uncomfortably in my ear causing pains when I yank them out, both my left and right ears have been jammed over the past 2 weeks, so I can barely get my hearing aids in.

Yeah being deaf in a nutshell, it sucks; stay away from phone sex.



Dom 16 years, 10 months ago

your deaf?

FuzzleFangs 16 years, 7 months ago

It would be nice to be deaf, because you could never out use the excuse: I didn't hear you.