Okay. Well when Warrock first came out in open beta, I remember I used to play with a few people. So now another Korean Game is coming to us and the beta starts tomorrow. The game is Combat Arms, a Korean FPS. I played this game at my Korean friends house and it looks promising. So if anyone wants to play a bit be sure to download the client and make an account at the Nexon site (you wont be able to play until tomorrow though).
–" Zane. says:include some shit about your life that no one cares about and I'll bring it back up.
As of now, the sub-200 dollar 4850 from ATI beats the g92 8800gts.
You should consider looking at this:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102747Sk8 got his awesome level doubled
pika a boo!
dude AIM me when you get a chance, my list got cleaned :(