a blog about schweetness

Posted by sk8m8trix on Oct. 12, 2006, 8:46 p.m.

So today was fun. i stole my freinds french fries and have minimal homework. which ill probly do in study hall. Were reading to kill a mocking bird in english (reading is one of my strenghs). im allredy way ahead in the book and i understand a lot of it, i like how the story of coming of age is repesented, but there are some parts where maturity shows in the beginning. like when jem stops scout from beating up walter cummingham, but then again there is a lot of lack of maturity like when scout was going to shoot the lady acoss teh street.

in other news, i rock, you suck BAHAHAHA… oh and im currently watching the south park movie,… KICKASS!!


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 5 months ago

hey mastermind…*sticks out midel finger* FUCK YOU EMO
I just proved how retarded you are, nice job pwning yourself. I don't even know how low you have to be to do that, but from what I can see, pretty low.

Hootiehoo 18 years, 5 months ago

but isint being jewesh a religion.

Oooohh, man….


Hootiehoo 18 years, 5 months ago

Quote: sk8m8trix
Were reading to kill a mocking bird in english (reading is one of my strenghs). im allredy way ahead in the book and i understand a lot of it
Quote: Polystyrene Man
Uh, no, there isn't any slavery in To Kill a Mockingbird. At all. Sure, there's racism… but definitely not slavery.
Quote: Polystyrene Man
To Kill a Mockingbird is not about slavery (I'm not sure if you said this or not, it's hard to read your writing)
Man, sk8m8trix (oh, I wish I knew how many people on earth had usernames with "skate" or "sk8" in them.. Those people don't belong on the internet, they belong on the street doing tricks on skateboards that will not positively influence their life at all), you're extraordinarily…


I completely agreed with Pacman when he said…

"why the hell are you being a pushover on your blog when we're flaming you and you try to be all tough alone??"

"You had respect for this person??" (@Polystyrene Man)

"No, I never agree with you, I'll never agree with a n00b"

" I believe your stupidity far outweighs your intellect"

I wish you were banned. Everyone's time at 64D would be better if you weren't here.

Same goes for DUDE, BOSS, Amerup, and a few others.

Why not ban them for the sake of 64D? it's these people mainly who're making a mess of 64D. I remember when this place was RESPECTABLE.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 5 months ago

That's very true Hootiehoo, these people need to grow up.

Oh, and I bet sk8m8trix doesn't even know how to skate, just saying it as an excuse he's a retard.

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

Look here sk8m8trix. Look hard.

Stop trying to justify yourself as an intelligent and respectable person, because, quite frankly, you're the biggest idiot I've ever run into.

Why do you say you're intelligent and reading is one of your strengths when you can't even spell for your life? Even my friends on MySpace type better than you. And for the record, reading usually increases a persons ability to spell. It's like rote learning, seeing the word over and over again gets it implanted in your head. Unless, of course, the only thing you read is rants from various noobs complaining about how they are flamed too much, because I suppose you have a certain level of empathy with them.

And I didn't even see the slavery part, but from what I hear, you are a sexist, racist and non respectable person that deserves a lot less then they receive.

I've had enough of you. Shape up, or ship out.

fprefect111 18 years, 4 months ago

I think it'd be worthless to tell you how much of an idiot you are, there's been around 40 comments of it already, but I might as well point out that the "t" in your name shouldn't be there.

There we go, I've done my bit.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

I might as well point out that the "t" in your name shouldn't be there.

then it would be skate mat-trix

like a floor mat

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

no, actually, it would be

skeightmeightrix… get your name and avatar changed, they spell out n00b

learn proper grammar, you keep on saying you're in 9th grade, well, so are Polystyrene, Mastermind, and I, yet we spell better… and Mastermind and I have English as a SECOND LANGUAGE. You should seriously shape up and stop the common misconception that you can do anything you want on the internet.

Snakeman 18 years, 4 months ago

looks like your good day is ruined. XD

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

nah im gonna get a new comment badge