In nomine patris, et spritus sancti

Posted by sk8m8trix on Oct. 17, 2006, 8:22 p.m.

So whats up guys? i see your in my blog. i deccided i need to change my ways so you guys dont hate me. So welcome to my blog.*opens door and the room fill with music, there is a jaccuzi with hot chicks in it, and a bunch of waiters with drinks, also there is a swinging jazz band playing (hey who dosent like jazz?)*well just make yourself comfortable, if you need anything just ask.

So whats up people. I started watching "The Boondock Saints" again last night (the people in my sig are the main characters). for those of you that have never seen it, it was a movie made in 2000 about 2 irish brothers that try to clean up the streets of south boston, basically is a great story and a great movie. the movie is based on religion, but i wouldnt consider myself too religious, i only like religion in the dan brown books, and some movies. But those people that are on tv on the weekends (when the girls gone wild infomercials arent on) are always talking about the rapture and shit like that "oh noez!!! jesus is coming!!!! are you ready???" see i dont like that shit.

I especially like the bleck and white scenes in the Boondock Saints, because those scenes always turn out really good.

So i decided to make the game maker game that i am making about the boondock saints, you get to play as Conner, Murphy, or duece. If you would like to help me, i currently need to know how to stop people from sticking to sides of walls, and also how to make a charcter selector (i probly do not need that right now so just focus on sticking to the walls).

well thanks for reading my blog,



Kaz 18 years, 4 months ago

I think he likes the historical aspects of religion, not the actual illogical thinking part.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago


Kaz 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeam that's how I am. I like learning about the beginings of religion, just not the parts where all these unexplainable things happened and theres only 1 book that actually write about them. I smell something….kinda like a cow farm….

Asterisk 18 years, 4 months ago

… wait, you created an alternate reality where sk8 is always right. But wouldn't that alternate reality be fake so both of you are wrong?

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

…. or maby were both right *everyones head asplodes*

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

I just got on just in time to flame this blog

Quote: sk8m8trix
If you need anything just ask
Quote: sk8m8trix
If you would like to help me
Those two don't make sense together O_O

Kaz 18 years, 4 months ago

But wouldn't that alternate reality be fake so both of you are wrong?

*creates an alternate reality*

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

*more heads asplode*

@mrpacman, i was just welcoming you all in the first paragraph, everything was rethorical, but i would like some help with my platformer

Omega_Squid 18 years, 4 months ago

I see you improved your spelling. Oh well, I guess I'll go then…*puts knife back in sheath and walks out the door*

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago
