Hi all!
Thought I'd learn you a few swedish words here:Hello = HejGoodbye = HejdåSee you = Vi sesHow are you = Hur mår duI = JagYou = duWe = weThey = demWill = villLike = gillarGame = SpelWhy = VarförHow = HurThat was some swedish words.If you want to learn more, just ask. Try to make a sentence in swedish =)I've always wanted to know how the 64D people look, at least kaz, FoxNL and smarty. Because always when I see the word "kaz" the first thing that pops up in my head is a white dog ^^ with fox, the first thing is a… fox. And smarty is always a, smiley sitting in the light of his screen, to me.Can't those of you who wants to, post a photo of themselves? It'd be cool to know who you're replying to lol.However, this is me pictureThe daily game of today is an app, also posted on gmc.It's called LineArt and it "stretches pixels" as smartart told me. downloadCya
owned = ägt/besuttit?
Jag fick inte den. Jag förstå högst omen den här språken ändå. Nej , Jag er inte Svensk
Wow, how old are you?
I don't post images of myself on the Internet because I'm afraid that people will recognize me. Besides, I prefer the mystery of not knowing who I'm really talking to.The baby fetus should suffice.Jag äter fiskar!!! XD
Jag förstå det alltför , dåre. Jag tala lite stycke av Svensk.
I have a good idea. Let's not talk in English. People will be so confused!
Böter med jag. JAG siar den här till förvirra du folk.
Aber warum nicht auf Deutsch? Gibt es ein Deutscher hier? Es gibt zu viele Amerikaner auf 64D in meine meinung.
JAG kanna tala Svensk. ägare Brunn , JAG kan icke verkligen , Jag er användande en fri översättare. Grammatiken är sannolikt verkligen bud upp = engelsk mynt
PM IS A F*CKING CELEBRITY…<font size=0.25>whatever</font>