someone hacked my website

Posted by smaksak on Oct. 14, 2006, 5:17 p.m.

Argh, I can't get our home network to work.. I've even had a guy who's working with network stuff.. as a job I mean. And he couldn't fix it.

It's like, yeah what now?

The problem is that I can't view the other computer or its shared files.

I can ping the other computer though.

It's something weird…

End of story.

1337 hits getting closer, woohoo.

I'm tired of school, some of my teacher sais I'm not concentrated enough.

But they are wrong.

I'm actually concentrated.

I'm just not showing it very well.

I guess I have to try harder.

Todays question:

What got you into making games?

I'm not asking "Why did you start using game maker", I'm wondering why you started to make games?

I started making games because, I've always wanted to.

When I was small, I didn't know how to.

I had this small computer; windows 3.1, laptop, 100 mB disk space, b&w screen. But it had qbasic.

I couldn't do much with it since I were like.. 10 years old and my english weren't good. I knew how to use the "print" command and the "input".

So basically, all my games were like: write your name, and the magic computer writes it once again.

Later on I started to modify games, mostly the graphics, I also started to hack the highscore (1000000 points YEAH)

Then one day, I was like: "I want to make commander keen.. "

I googled: make game

I found: game maker

What the hell, it turned out as a "why did you start using game maker" story..

But, I don't feel for re-writing it..

I've also made a new website, go on and hack it:



aeron 18 years, 4 months ago

I'll help

marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

I still need to set up my home network. I managed to get it half working wirelessly. By that I mean I could transfer files from one PC to the other, but not back again. 0.o

melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago

Looks like someone enjoys exploiting your site. Hehe.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

Ouch, that sucks. D=