game maker spyware

Posted by smaksak on Oct. 19, 2006, 1:01 p.m.


I'm worried.

I tried to check how my antivirus would react if I made a simple keylogger in game maker.

It didn't react.

So, game maker would be the perfect program for making spyware / viruses etc?

(Note: I'm NOT saying that I will make spyware or anything similair with game maker, I'm just saying that I hope other people WONT)

I hope that no serious malware maker will discover game maker.

My computer is acting weird; when I click go to sleep, it goes to sleep. But after.. about a minute, it starts up again.

With no shutdown button (at the login window)

And last time it happened, I couldn't login, when I clicked on my user; it shutted down.




Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

What antivirus software do you use? I remember some people complained that some AVs report every GM file as a virus. How does your keylogger actually work? I could make a site that would require logging in and then test it (so you can't get any imoprtant info from me [;)]) and see if AVG finds it. I could check how it behaves in different browsers too.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 4 months ago

Lol, you are giving computers too much credit. Antivirus software is not smart enough to know when a program is actually keylogging… it just checks for known programs and for programs that use common methods of doing questionable things. So obviously it's not going to just pick up any old program that accepts key strokes. If it did, every word processing program would trip the alarm.

I wouldn't encourage making malicious programs like this with GM anyway, because if any of the virus checkers DO start searching for signatures of GM files, they will likely detect almost all GM games, since they pretty much all accept keystrokes of some sort in order to play.

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago

Fred is right, the people who make the AV have to add it to the detection rules.

smaksak 18 years, 4 months ago

Onyx: I'm using kaspersky, and I made it like this:

it saves all keystrokes in a variable. It hides itself in the taskbar using shaltif's dll. It sends the variable with the keystrokes via mail to a mail adress.

I've just tested it on myself, and I don't think I'll test it on anybody else.

Fred: I pretty much agree with everything you said ^^

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

Heh, I didn't know it records keystrokes. No way it will be found by an AV, because, as Fred said, allmost EVERYTHING could be recognised as keylogger then.

ultim8p00 18 years, 4 months ago

Good job. Now people know about it and someone will eventually abuse it.

Saying that an atom can create a bomb that can kill hundreds eventually led to the creation of the atomic bomb. Sometimes i wish ppl would just keep stuff like this to themselves

smaksak 18 years, 4 months ago

You guys think I should delete the blog?

I think that most of the users here already knew this but..

Bozebo 18 years, 4 months ago

its a minimal worry, but if there is a good firewall it will detect suspicious connections so it wont be able to send anything through.

and ultim8p00. every1 knows that already….

smaksak 18 years, 4 months ago

yeah, but just tell me and I'll delete it.

Onyx 18 years, 4 months ago

I don't think there's a real reason to worry about it. As Bozebo said, FW will stop it. Also, it really remembers keystrokes. It would be REALLY hard to get passwords from the mess you would recive.