Hacking the La Fonera (Disable public access)...

Posted by smarttart62 on March 2, 2007, 2:49 p.m.

[l]I[/l] [sc]received a free WiFi router from a company called FON.[/sc] They gave it to me in hopes i'd share my internet connection for free and i'd get access to other's wireless networks.

Of course this was an invitation to hack it up. The router gave out two signals, one was a public network connected to their system to verify you are a FON member, and the other was a private network for me. After a bit of research, i was able to find out how to gain SSH access into it so i can run some Linux commands (Just check google for this info). But after that i wanted more, i wanted to disable that stupid public network. After a bit of digging through the file structure i found it, and am going to share it with everyone… Although most of you don't have one i like to share my expiriences on this blog anyways =P.

1) Gain SSH access to it (Google is your freind)

2) Connect up and login (root / admin probably)

3) Navigate to "sbin" (cd /sbin)

4) Open "ifup" (vi ifup)

5) Press the letter "i" when in the editor to… edit.

6) Scroll down till you see "setup_hotspot_wifi()"

7) Edit that entire function out (from { till the } on it's own line… Probably lines 123-131). To edit out a line, but a "#" in front of all the text on that line.

8) Press "ESCAPE" and type ":wq"

9) DONE! Restart the router (manually) and when it comes back on, no more public network!

Again, this was discovered using Trial-and-Error, so it's possible that this will not work for everyone, and it's also possible that it could brick your router. I am not responcible to any damage you do to your router, i'm meerly trying to give assistance when it comes to getting things done ^_^. If your router decides to not work, then try restarting it a few times. If that doesn't work then resetting it (holding down the restart button when the on light comes on). That usually resets the firmware on it, and should be used if you expirience problems from this hack.



foslock 17 years, 11 months ago

That is nifty!

I could use a free router.

bendodge 17 years, 11 months ago

Bah! I have the wonderful WRT54G, famous for its open firmware (someone included GPL code, so Linksys had to open up the firmware). I currently have it modded to run IPv6.