"Hack" Joomla Gallery 2.x

Posted by smarttart62 on Sept. 17, 2007, 6:48 a.m.

I've been trying to get full-size images from a site that uses Joomla gallery for a bit now, and finally found a sort-of flaw in their system. I've only tested this on a handfull of sites so far, but here's the process in which you can… Well… Get full size (un-watermarked) images in Joomla Gallery 2 (don't know the version).

1. Find your picture

2. Get the image's address

3. Paste it in your address bar, and remove the serialNumber and GALLERYSID (just the junk)

4. Now, move back a few numbers on the itemId. The gallery creates a thumb, a smaller size, and a few for actual downloading/buying. On this specific site, they had 4-5 pictures of each (thumbnails, watermarks, etc)

And you have officially saved some cash lol. Enjoy, and tell me if you have any issues. Remember, this ONLY works for sites using "Joomla Gallery". I'm guessing the entire 2.x series, but i dunno… I have to test it some mores to get specifics.

While i'm on the subject, i just finished an 80 mile bike tour. The people in the pictures are me and my dad, biking on day one in the pouring fucking rain…

Enjoy =),



s 17 years, 4 months ago

I want a picture of your kid,I'm willing to pay for it.And no,I'm not a pedofile

That was Rob's line

Azure 17 years, 2 months ago

Nice. This works really easily on any site that doesn't have a PHP file check before it opens an image. Direct image links rock. :D