More :CueCat and ASM

Posted by smarttart62 on Sept. 10, 2006, 8:48 a.m.

[l]T[/l][sc]he :CueCat program is nearing completion. I have a 60mb data file that needs to be imported[/sc] into my MySQL database and from there i need to change the link in the program to send data to there. From there 39dll will read it's data and come up with a list of relevant links on the subject as well.


I just started learning the basics of MASM last night so i could use them for… Well wouldnt you like to know [=D]. The help file fucking sucks. Its reminds me of that teacher that talks in pure monotone about some boring ass subject.

And thats the blog today,



Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

damn, you're progressing too fast…

smarttart62 18 years, 4 months ago

"Life in the fast lane"

Lol. The MASM help file really sucked, but meh it gave me a basic understanding of ASM.

On a side note I also found out what prevented lib files from being opened… And well… I cant believe how simple it was..

I'll release a program in a bit to protect your lib files from editing.


Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I've noticed Mark didn't protect most of the GM related files. In .gm6 files, if you open it in a hex editor, some of it is even in English… Not much, but some.

smarttart62 18 years, 4 months ago

Mark didnt care about the file format for the GM6, it was the source anyways. In the .exe there are ways to actually get the data from it.

The libs are a different subject though. Lib builder was made to not open certain libs which i will use this to my advantage when making this program.
