iScore v3 BETA slots open...

Posted by smarttart62 on Oct. 30, 2006, 7:52 p.m.

[l]i[/l][sc]Score v3 is nearing completion and i need beta testers.[/sc]

There are currently four slots open. The first four people to show interest will be sent beta coppies of iScore v3 come release time, as well as their name added in iScore's code (Under the lovely ASCII art i made up one day).

In other news iDev, or what i've renamed to myGM has halted progress for a bit while i work some things out. I've been very swamped with work lately, and iScore takes up the rest of my little free time. I should also mention that you can see the current progress (accurate up to my last save) of iScore on here:

<a href="">iScore v3 Topic</a>

And in more other news iPodLinux is not supported on my iPod yet [=(].

So yeah, express interest and i'll give you a beta testing slot. Notice though, that ATM i have NO GML code written up yet, but thats soon to change…



basilamer 18 years, 3 months ago

I'll test.

smarttart62 18 years, 3 months ago


I will be making a little something for you two. Nothing extravagant, but you'll see [=)].

EVERYONE who wanted to beta test has been added to the list, i will be accepting no more, but i appreciate all the interest in it…


I had followed his scripts… Well FoxNL's scripts about it.


Toon-Master 18 years, 3 months ago

Alright should of known, ah nevermind my post anyway. I was only meaning to say the below and that if you still did the below… maybe you should alter that to what 39ster had in the post. But it really didn't matter. LOL appoligise for such nik picky details.

Just incase (for anyone else I guess), I ment:

Maybe it shouldn't be (like the current whatismyip script or previous):

writestring("GET "+_f+" HTTP/1.0"+chr(10));
writestring("Host: "+_s+chr(10));
writestring("User-Agent: GameMaker39dll/6.1"+chr(10));

That you should write the request like (From 39ster's post):

writestring("GET "+_f+" HTTP/1.0"+chr(13) + chr(10));
writestring("Host: "+_s+chr(13) + chr(10));
writestring("User-Agent: GameMaker39dll/6.1"+chr(13));

But it looks like it did the same effect. And that I just took note of his post, "Keep the setformat() parameters the same.".

- Toon-Master

Amarin 18 years, 2 months ago


bendodge 18 years, 2 months ago

Told you iDev was a junk name. (I still think GMalt or GIDE is better! [:P])