Hello! My name is.. wait, what is it again? :D

Posted by spike1 on July 9, 2013, 11:07 p.m.

Hello everyone! I'll try not to make blogs like this in the future, but the text next to the registration suggested I introduce myself through a blog, so here I am :). Anyway, my name is Sean and i just registered on this site after searching for some good game maker games. I came across this website, and after seeing how interesting and nice the community is, i decided to join.

Anyway, a bit about myself :). I'm 13 years old, and have been using game maker since 2007. I have learnt GML and am rather good at it i like to think(although debugging for me usually involves repairing my computer after getting a little carried away :D(I'm joking btw, although I cant say the same about my sister when she loses a game)). I've also branched out into several other languages including html, css, Delphi, Assembly(That was very fun… ), and a little bit of python and javascript.

I also recently began making decently long animations(around 9-10 mins) using blender, and I also use it to make 3d game models. For 3d games I use unity, but for 2d i almost always use Gamemaker(although once I used ASM, i made a little game with a donut with a few levels, my adult programming friends thought i was insane for doing it).

I also enjoy composing music in LMMS, and i use it in my games and short films. I also make it to requests, so if you have a tune I'm happy to make it(and no credit needed lol :D). Finally, i also write books, my longest at 80 pages(font size 12), although none have been published(I really need an editor, sometimes i write at 1am in the morning and when i look at it later i just laugh, so bad… :D).

Anyway, that's pretty much all from me :D. I'm not sure how much detail i should have gone into, but hopefully its not too much :). Anyway, thanks for reading, and i hope to become a good member of 64 digits, participating in what looks like so far a great place :D. Thanks!


LAR Games 11 years, 6 months ago

Welcome, I hope you like it here. It's quite cozy!

JID 11 years, 6 months ago

yeah, you can post just about whatever type of blog you want, as long as it's not spam, pretty much.

nice avatar btw

Praying Mantis 11 years, 6 months ago

Just post a blog about it! That's what most people do, anyway.

JuurianChi 11 years, 6 months ago

I blog about a huge variety of things.

All it takes is that you have something to say about your topic that spans enough for one or two paragraphs.

IF you want to share media, keep your word count to a minimum, because the average user attention span doesn't know the difference.

spike1 11 years, 6 months ago

Ok, Ill make like a mega blog post to get rid of all my old stuff and talk about what I'm working on now :). Thanks! Btw, I've never seen a posting system like this before, its quite cool :D. Also, thanks for the comment on my avatar, although it is rather old, i could probably make a better one now :).

Kamira 11 years, 6 months ago

Wow, maybe I could've accomplished all of that if I hadn't spent all of my time playing video games. Anyway, welcome to 64D!

Moikle 11 years, 6 months ago

^ I feel inadequate :/

Toast 11 years, 6 months ago

So far so good. Don't mess this up spike1. The red box of sanity is in fact an insurance policy which could at any moment be taken to a nearby spaceport and launched directly at the sun. It is very much in your interests to be a respectable member of 64digits society.

F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

But no pressure.

Toast 11 years, 6 months ago

Except the pressure inside the red box when it is launched into the vacuum of space