Spikes Game Reviews :D

Posted by spike1 on July 26, 2013, 1 p.m.

I noticed everyone reviewing some games and found out there had been a competition, so i'm not sure if I should be reviewing, but anyway :D

My Reviews :D


Abysmal is a good arcade style game with nice graphics and decent gameplay. I like the origional concept, and that coupled with the cool visuals makes this idea work well. At the beggining I didn't read the readme as I wanted to try and figure it out myself, so after about 10 attempts or so I finally figured out what i was meant to do and what one of the 3 platforms capabilities are.

Finally i read the readme, and will a better understanding of the game, I set out to play it well, and failed, horribly. The game is so difficult even on casual :D. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but whenever the flip around came I would hug onto the edge of a platform, but most of the time I would slip off and fall about 10 platforms down :(. I think there should be an easier way to hold on than too slowly work your way around the edge, although at the beggining that was hilarious as I would try so hard and then fall and die and i would flip out!(I am better at grammar than that, i swear :)) lol :D.

Sadly while playing I encountered a few bugs, such as being able to fall through the edges of platforms, and when I died i would have to Fn-F4 out of the game as it would never restart.

The upgrades menu seemed pretty cool, although I could never get enough coins or find it again to get any so i cant comment much on how usefull they are. I like the idea of having gems convert to coins, although I think there should be some Gem only upgrades to make it a bit harder for those who can atually play :D.

I think sound effects and music should also be added. Sounds could play when things in the environment change, or when the player jumps, that sort of stuff. Oh, btw i love the way the player blinks so cute :D.


How was performance?

I played it at the highest resoloution with Fantastic graphics and it ran fine, although that dosn't say much as my computer is pretty good :D.


OS: Windows 7 :(, win XP rocks!

CPU: 8x3.6ghz(This is where it rocks, rendering is so fast :D)

GPU: Nvidea Gforce GT 530(not the most awesome sadly)(Cuda support)

Anyway, in summary:


Origional Concept

Sort of easy to learn in-game

Nice Visuals

Fun Gameplay


Player Blinks :D


Buggy platforms

Lack of sounds and music

Falling not restarting

Too hard to hold on(or maybe I just suck :D)

Rating: 6/10

Good job! :D

Blob: Invasion

First off, i have to say that i really enjoyed this game. Although it didn't go for very long, every moment was enjoyable, the dialouge the graphics, me just screwing up, there was always something intertaining :D. I enjoyed the size changing mechanic, and although i think it was underused, i liked the way it affected how high you could jump, creating some puzzles that use it in a different way than fitting through something. I don't think it is enough though, i feel like there should be some other puzzle mechanic to go with it.

The creatures were cool, and i liked the way they attacked. Problem was it was way to easy to dodge, so maybe they could have a variety of attacks, some easy, some not. I enjoyed the boss fights as they didn't drag out and were different each time. One problem was during the end boss fight i had about a fifth of a heart left, so that was quite difficult, so maybe add some healthpacks. That coupled with improved enemies would balance the game out a bit more.

I liked the ways the levels were designed, and they looked pretty nice. They each had different ways to complete and in some cases the dialouge changed depending on how you do it which was cool :D. The bouncey things work quite well, although it took a few tries to figure out that the size mattered with them :D.

One problem with the way the entire game worked was it gave me a headache looking at it. I'm not sure how that could be fixed, but yeah, my eyes were strained while looking at it, trying to focus on the very fast moving objects. I think a way to fix it would be to have smoother motion while moving between each tile, but yeah, that needs to be fixed lol :D.

As with the other game, I also feel music should be added in. Although there were basic sound effects, I feel music would make the game more epic. You could play sad music at the end, epic music during boss fights, and it would make the game really cool! :D


Is the game too hard?

No, it is way to easy lol :D

Does the story make sense:

Yes, and i liked the way it all worked. It helped tie together the seaming randomness of the game very well, and too be honest it isn't a bad story in general. I also prefer games with stories so i might be slightly biased, but yeah, it was good.

Should healthpacks be added in?

Yes they should as long as enemies are harder.

In Summary:


Fun graphics

Interesting mechanics

Fun Boss Fights

Decent Storyline


Basic Sound Effects


Lack of music

Mechanic too simple


Too short(Although thats not really a con, would be awesome if it were longer though,really enjoyed it! lol :D).

Rating: 8/10

Fun game!


This one is probably my favourite one so far. It has a well established concept that can easily be expanded to a huge number of puzzles, remains fresh even after the 50 levels I played, and is fun to figure out. Regions uses a very origional idea about creating a path that connects these broken tiles together while only stepping on them once(although that concept changes in the second part of the game :D).

All the menu transitions and level start ups look very nice and I can see how well it would have worked on a touch screen :D. The graphics are simple but nice, responding acurately and very smoothly to my mouse movements, makes me wish i was playing it on a touch screen lol :D. The levels progress quite well, starting simple while establishing the idea, then getting harder once you get a grip.

I found i could usually find a solution within the first 15 - 25 seconds or so, although some levels had me stuck for a little while :D. A bug I found though is if you move the path really quickly and let go the path will stay there until the next level, all the other paths just go ontop of it. This makes the level quite hard to work out as it confuses me quite a bit, especially when you stack up like 2 or 3 huge ones.

I noticed that the desciption said there was a soundtrack, but for some reason I couldn't hear any, so assuming it isn't in the game, like with the other reviews, it needs music lol :D. I don't think I need to elaborate on this :).


None. ok… :D



Awesome concept

New Mechanics every so often

Nice transitions and graphics

Good Difficulty curve

Large number of levels


Almost game breaking glitch(Could be if you make enough fake paths so you cant see any more :D)

Lack of sound

Wheres the options lol :D, the options menus a little empty.

Rating: 8/10

I will review the rest of the games tommorrow :)

Btw, if you know how to use spoilers could you please tell me because my reviews are huge lol :D

………Please review my game, pretty please? :) Link


panzercretin 11 years, 6 months ago

harry potter was a robot all along

spike1 11 years, 6 months ago

Thanks, i've put everything in spoilers :), and yes, i always though he acted a bit robotic lol :D. That would be such an epic twist though, i might have to make a video on it after i finish my primeval video :D. Oh, btw random off topic question, who here watches primeval? Btw, you only count if you have watched the first three seasons, liked them, disliked the rest, and sort of like New World :D. Anyway…. Do you think the reviews are a bit too long? :P

Cosine 11 years, 6 months ago

Nothing wrong with long reviews; the more feedback the better.

Pirate-rob 11 years, 6 months ago

Thanks, glad someone enjoyed the story!

Polystyrene Man 11 years, 6 months ago

whenever the flip around came I would hug onto the edge of a platform, but most of the time I would slip off and fall about 10 platforms down :(
it's not possible to "flip around." You're supposed to stay on top of the platforms and work your way up.

The upgrades menu seemed pretty cool, although I could never get enough coins or find it again to get any so i cant comment much on how usefull they are. I like the idea of having gems convert to coins, although I think there should be some Gem only upgrades to make it a bit harder for those who can atually play :D.
you're the second person to say this, so I'll lower the prices in the upgrade store. Crystals are sold for coins so there wouldn't really be a difference between paying in coins and paying in crystals.

I think sound effects and music should also be added. Sounds could play when things in the environment change, or when the player jumps, that sort of stuff. Oh, btw i love the way the player blinks so cute :D.
sounds will definitely be coming! glad you like the blink.

LAR Games 11 years, 6 months ago

Wow, custom CSS already? I'm impressed.

spike1 11 years, 6 months ago

Quote: PolyMan
it's not possible to "flip around." You're supposed to stay on top of the platforms and work your way up.
I might not have been clear :). I mean when the platforms begin to flip upside down. I do try to stay on top, by slowly working my way around to the edge so that I don't fall off when it flips. Hopefully thats a bit clearer lol :D, unless thats not suppose to happen.

Thats god that youll make the upgrades a bit easier, and sound will be quite nice :D.

Quote: Lar Games
Wow, custom CSS alread? I'm impressed.
lol, thanks :). Just wondering, do you like the theme? I'm wondering if I should make the entire page darker to match the sidebars and background, what do you think? :)