7DFPS Game - Raspberries Adventure!

Posted by spike1 on Aug. 16, 2013, 2:57 p.m.

note: At the moment it is 7am, and I have stayed up all night working on the game. Hopefully what I write makes sense, but please keep that in mind lol :D.

Hello everyone!

I've entered into the 7DFPS a game called Raspberries Adventure! At the moment only the first chapter is done, but more will be coming at about one per fortnight(In Valve Time lol :D) :). Here's a Link to the 7DFPS page, where you can find downloads and more information :).

Anyway, I also made a trailer for it, so here it is :).

This will be my development blog where I will post updates, concept art, unused models, and that sort of stuff. Cant wait to see what everyone else has entered, so see you round!


JuurianChi 11 years, 5 months ago

Very Interesting.

You've certainly done quite a bit with a limited amount of time.

spike1 11 years, 5 months ago

Thanks :D. Yeah, its really destroyed my sleep pattern as I would work on it from 8am - 2am(On the last day I went to bed at 7am, then had to wake up at 8am for some weekend activities XD) so I could get it all done :D. its kinda funny actually, because I made many more assets that didn't make it into chapter 1, so really I made alot more as well lol :D. Hope you enjoy playing it :). Btw, some screenshots of the next environment will be coming out within the next few days :).

mrpete 11 years, 5 months ago

Pretty niffy for the time you put into it. What engine did you use?

spike1 11 years, 5 months ago

Thanks :). I Used the blender game engine which is great for quick development. I'm thinking of porting it over to unity though, as then it would run quicker(the game can lag on some computers, and blender game engine in general isn't too fast.) and also be able to look better with higher poly counts for some of the models :).

spike1 11 years, 5 months ago

Ok, first update since the release :D. I've started working on a better system for the game which will allow for faster development and a smaller export size(YAY!!! lol :D). Today I'll be transferring the first chapter over to this new system and will update the download. I've also started working on the second chapters technology. Because the next chapter takes place in a backyard, I need alot of grass, as in you need to see very individual blade because of how small you are. I've developed some custom shaders and used a few optimization techniques to make this, so here are some early screen shots :D.

It runs at full 60fps on a 7 year old compuer, so :D.

SleepinJohnnyFish 11 years, 5 months ago

Was that a fruit roll up you pushed off the counter?

spike1 11 years, 5 months ago

lol, it was meant to be a sour strap, but fruit roll up works as well lol :D. Its quite strange, it functions as a ladder XD, probably should have made that less cryptic :D

News for the game:

The transferring of the system is almost complete, should be done in a few days(taking longer than expected sadly :(, having to remake most of the cutscenes and stuff). I've also been working on a script for a short animation I might make as a sort of prolog, showing how the pumpkin(The main antagonist) became evil :D. I've almost finished the script for the game, it should play at about 40-50mins, so thats cool :D.

I've also been recreating several of the models, adding in better facial rigs and such. They can now talk, and all have more expressive faces :D