F4D Dev blog :)

Posted by spike1 on Jan. 2, 2014, 11:36 p.m.

Well, just found out this is compulsory and figured I should stop watching south park, so here is my Dev Blog for the F4D :D

So, at first I figured I would make my game 2d, so I started up gamemaker then realized I can't as I reinstalled my OS and lost my key so Blender it is :D. I figured I'd have a go at realistic graphics for once, so first thing to do was take photos of lots of people and items so I can model them. It turns out not many people want to pose for photos and then get recreated in the computer, so I'm the main character of the game :D.

Next was coming up with a semi-realistic storyline to accompany the graphics, and so I just came up with a dumb plot and went with it. At the beginning I realized I want the game to have more than 10 minutes of game-play, and also have choices that change entire parts of the game. I then plotted it all out using Bubbl.us, a pretty good mind map creator. In the end I also wrote my script in there as well.

I realized that my previous games didn't have much gameplay, so I wanted to change that. This game is going to be 3rd person, and have proper fighting and running and stuff like that :D.

After about 4.5 weeks I've come up with this:

I'm hoping to have this all done by the deadline, although animating all these cutscenes is really slow and boring lol. Can't wait to play everyone elses games, hope everyone else can make the deadline :D


Darthvender 11 years ago

That… that looks awesome and I kinda want to play it

nap 11 years ago

Looks really interesting actually. The screenshots escalated pretty quickly from you fighting a tree to you cutting the head off of a alien spidermonkey haha.

spike1 11 years ago

Sorry to bump this but I though it was hilarious :D.

Its an amusing way to die in my game, rag doll physics for the win! :D

JID 11 years ago

jeez you really are talented for your age.

if you keep working like this, i can't even imagine the type of stuff you'll be dishing out in the next 5 or so years.

and here i am, just barely being able to code physics for 2d objects in my games.

firestormx 11 years ago

jeez you really are talented
Fixed that for you.

Also, I'm quoting it because it echoes my thoughts.

JID 11 years ago

also, looking at that 4th screenshot. it reminds me a lot of some of Telltale's games

if you're not familiar with them, they make point and click adventure games, they are responsible for games like 'The Walking Dead' and 'Sam & Max'.

which makes me kind of want to see a point and click adventure game from you at some point tbh. it certainly would be interesting to say the least.

spike1 11 years ago

Thanks you guys, i really appreciate the encouragement, and hopefully the game lives up to expectations :).


Thanks, and Telltales games are actually what inspired me to add those sort of options :). I wouldn't consider this a point and click game, but I might make one in the future as that might be fun :D

I've upgraded the graphics for the options menu btw:

And you can interact with objects with E:

I think the menu's a little scattered though, will polish it in the next few days :)