Working on a website and other stuff :D

Posted by spike1 on Feb. 28, 2014, 12:36 a.m.

First off, I just want to say that I really REALLY dislike working with:






Apache Web Server

So this was a very enjoyable experience :P

I have been working on a website for my stuff over the last few days. I had an older one but it felt a bit clunky. In the end I decided to reprogram this from scratch and I think it turned out pretty well :D. I wouldn't mind some critiques of it as I'm not sure what to improve and am a bit lazy and can't be bothered to find bugs :D. You can hack it with sql injections if you like, it can be a game :D.

It has had a bit of inspiration from this website but it mostly has the same format as the previous one in case you were wondering.

Link to website: Here

In other news I've been working on the puzzle game rather slowly due to me being enrolled in a school called Ayce or Yea, I'm not sure which one :D. Originally started for disruptive students with stupidity levels through the roof it now intakes every type of students and tries to get them their VCE. You only have to attend once a week(With plenty of homework :D), so it gives me lots of time to work on projects and stuff.

The class itself is rather amusing, although not for the correct reasons, here's some dialogue :D

Teacher: "Ok, so what type of word do you use to describe a noun?"

Student besides me: "A verb!"

Teacher: "No?! Anyone else?"

Student at the far corner: "A pronoun!"

Me: "An adjective"

Teacher: "Thankyou, finally"

And apparently this is suppose to be year 9, one year ahead of where I should be!!!!!!! The teachers make several blunders as well, but some of them are pretty cool. I'm really enjoying Humanities and English at the moment(I would like maths but we are doing adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying with decimals…wow..just….wow. Science is a bit odd as well, with the teacher having head trauma ever week and forgetting what the task was. This week we have been assigned a task that we completed two weeks ago D:).

They aren't all like that though. Their is this one kid called Luke who is doing rather well, I was able to check some of his work(The teachers letting me help) and he's pretty smart, am trying to be somewhat friendly towards him :). The majority of the kids there definitely fit the profile of the school, what worries me is that they aren't new, they have been trying to get back up to speed since year7. Hopefully it is able to excel me a bit or I might go nutty like at my old primary school.

It's certainly an interesting place though, am enjoying it way too much :D.

I'll post more about some other long term projects in the future once they are a bit more stable :). Thanks for reading! :)


spike1 10 years, 11 months ago

So someone came on an attempted to alter the filesystem a bit by signing up as ../../, so I've now fixed that bug by only allowing alphanumerical characters, with a fancy error message and everything :D. I've also made it work in opera(And chrome I guess seeing how opera decided to stop being itself and now uses the same source code), as opera decided that none of the buttons would be clickable and pressing a javascript enabled one would refresh the page D:. I've fixed that though, fixed a few database issues and am now working on the forums.

Anyway, thanks to whoever found that first bug as that could have easily been a problem in the future :)

Alert Games 10 years, 11 months ago

There is a lot to learn when it comes to web programming and design, but if you enjoy it, it is always good to build your own from scratch.

But my recommendation is to either build it because you want to learn it, or just use a template and go from there.

spike1 10 years, 11 months ago

The main reason I like to build from scratch is that I know that I did it, instead of someone else doing the majority of the work and me taking credit for it. That's why I find any sort of automated processes annoying, be it for creating games, music, animations, anything as people will claim that they did it all from scratch and viewers will hail them as amazing people. But I've come to realize that people don't care how something was produced as long as it gets created, but even then I still find it hard to use other peoples stuff lol. There are a few other good reasons though like understanding all the functionality, having it as close as your vision as possible, the formatting is the same as your other stuff(That ones important to me as I find code that is formatted differently very hard to decipher. That's part of the reason I like python, the formatting is forced :D.), and obviously the knowledge. Having to do every part of the process lets you learn about so much stuff which is partly the reason I like to do many different things. I started off with animations, then I went to Powerpoint(It can do simple animated stuff), then I started to learn VB, now I'm programming, then I want to make games so now I'm modelling and texturing and it all sort of goes a bit nuts :D.

Anyway I've started working on the forum, it currently supports topics and threads but no posts yet. You can also add threads without signing in right now and it just assumes I made it lol, it has a way to go. I'm hoping to add something like BB code or some formatting as I don't think it will be too hard. So far the entire result of the site is processed from a text file by a script I wrote that creates the end HTML, so I could probably use a similar system to what that does. Are there any other good formatting systems, or is BB code(I see that pretty much everywhere) and markdown the most common? Thanks :)

sirxemic 10 years, 11 months ago

You can hack it with sql injections if you like, it can be a game :D.
If you phrase it like that, obviously, err, someone, will attempt to do some other kind of injection.

Alert Games 10 years, 11 months ago

@sirxemic: gross.

spike1 10 years, 11 months ago

@Last two comments

lol :D

Anyway, the forum is pretty much done, just have some formatting to do :D. It sanitizes the input pretty simply so hopefully some kid hacker can't get through but as we know nothing is invulnerable lol, especially with MySQL.

Time to work on the products page :D. I'll make it show WIP and finished stuff in two separate categories using javascript. I may also have a separate blog part for all the different projects, not sure :D.Then I can post all my updates there instead of here and so when I never finish them I don't feel as bad lol.

Well anyway, feel free to sign up now, I'm not really sure why anyone would want to as their isn't really a community or any upsides but meh. In all honesty creating the site was more of an experience than anything else, it will probably have a userbase of less than 10 people lol :D.

I still find it funny that the ../../ guy still hasn't commented lol, maybe it was malicious, who knows XD.

eagly 10 years, 11 months ago

It was probably sirxemic. He loves breaking stuff.

spike1 10 years, 11 months ago

Figured that instead of bumping my last blog I'd just add onto this :)

The attack animation is a WIP, what you see here will definitely be changed, just added it quickly for this video so you could see what I was doing :D

It also looks better when its crisp, youtube compression sucks :(. It should be in 720p, but when I uploaded it it, the compression software made it 718, so youtube couldn't be bothered :(

I've switched around some of the game mechanics to something I think is a bit more fun. I've been working on an extensive event system allowing for easy design of future levels :D. I've also started writing the script for the game, it is darkly amusing, portal2 sort of style. So far there aren't too many bugs either apart from crouching not working, yay! This is my first attempt at making a game with pixel art so hopefully it isn't too bad, critique would be appreciated :)

I've finally been able to balance Yea and by projects, so I'm hoping to try and stick with it. There is also another one which I won't reveal until a bit more is done, but I think two projects that will be done by the end of the year sounds reasonable. I'm hoping not to branch out too much apart from the upcoming competition, mostly as a test to see if I can force myself to be motivated :D

spike1 10 years, 11 months ago


Sorry to double post but its been almost a week and several import updates are done :D

I've worked a bit more on some of the mechanics, I'll upload a new video soon(EDIT:VIDEO IS BELOW).

The rocks are now able to be picked up with a bit of effort, and the puzzle has been made a bit more tricky. I've also updated the rope physics so they aren't as buggy(The video was one of the best show-off attempts, several other times it bugged out and went through the beam). Its still a bit buggy as you can see at the end of the video, but Its getting better. The attack animation is also done, and it looks really nice :D. I've also been adding sound effects for attacking, the rocks falling, and other ambient and action noises. I haven't added sounds for the death in lava or walking yet.

Finally, I've been working on an extensive dialog system. This game, while being a puzzle game will also have a small story behind it which I think people will find amusing. As dialog will be an important secondary puzzle(You'll know what I mean when you start to play), I decided to create a large system with another program for making the dialog instead of manipulating arrays constantly like my last game. The interface isn't that pretty but it does the job :D

Too see it in action, here's a WIP level:

The level itself comes about 10mins into the game. It definitely needs to look better, although most of the problems are caused by the rather crappy lighting. I'll post a new screenshot once it looks better(Expect the sort of improvement the cave got, it looks much better now :D).

spike1 10 years, 11 months ago

The products page is now complete, here it is: Here.

There are a few projects on there that I haven't mentioned here.