Back in gamemaker+other stuff

Posted by spike1 on March 31, 2014, 4:57 a.m.

Hello! I'll make this a short blog so its easier to read, as I like to type too much lol :D.

Edit: Actually that didn't work out too well, oh well :D

I've been messing around in gamemaker and it is so much better for 2d than blender :D. I've also been working on a small game in unity, and it is so much better for 3d than blender :D.

To get back into gamemaker I created a small multiplayer game over the weekend called Lightdodge. Its a sidescrolling shooter where you can play against the AI or your friends :D.

You can find it on my website, feel free to sign up as well.(Gives you access to the multiplayer part).

Pics(Not much to look at, just made some awful sprites and borrowed some from my other projects):

On the internet:

What is wrong with whoever designed all the protocols, they are all awful, barely work and make it difficult to do anything at all! Ok, their not that bad, TCP is pretty nice but UDP is totally screwed in the head. [/End really small and non informative rant]

On Project Kenny:

SO I've been in the process of moving this to gamemaker, and I have recreated the majority of its game mechanics :D. Here's a few screen-shots from the new engine :)

On Full Moon:

Been animating rather slowly unfortunately, but its going well :). I'm hoping to get the episode done by the end of next month(A full 10 mins), with a trailer of bits spread throughout the entire film for hype. I may need to get another animator in to finish it in time, don't know any though sadly :(

A timelapse with end result here:

On Project Swing:

Started on a quick game to be made in unity, and of course its a horror game :D. I know what your thinking, and it may end up as another crappy indie horror game, but this one is going to try and focus on the subtlety of the scares instead of popups. The idea is to try and make an randomly generatedd open-world environmental story telling horror game, revolving around scaring the player mostly with his own knowledge.

The main aim of the game is simply to leave a park you got stuck in looking for a friend you were supposed to meet there. Of course, if you leave before night time you win instantly, but after night fall it becomes much more tricky. By learning about the enemy and uncovering some interesting secrets you will be able to slowly escape, or you could try and wait until sunrise. However, the enemy can get impatient lol :D. Everything will be randomly generated, which suits the environmental storytelling well as its all already happened. The enemy will also be different so no matter how many times you play it can surprise you.

Quite a bit of the graphics are WIP, and some of the items aren't textured properly yet.

Some screens :)

On Website:

I've added quite a bit to the website, it has a better forum, an actual logo, a file manager, better blog system, and several other things :D. It actually has some content now and I update it more regularly so its probably worth signing up. I'm trying to create a small community around the stuff I'm creating, so now that there IS some stuff it should help :D

On upcoming competition:

Seeing how the theme is probably limited colour palette I've been brainstorming a bit and am planning on making another multiplayer thing. Seeing how I "Really enjoy working with the internet" I've decided to make an multiplayer rpg game. It'll be 2d(So much faster to develop), and be based around the idea of attacking with colors to create mood on a greyscale world, which can affect the npcs in various ways. I'll post more on this later once I have a prototype going.

Anyway, lots of things going on at the moment, but thanks for reading! :D


JID 10 years, 10 months ago

the animation vid was pretty impressive for the most part, though her hand looked awfully stiff when throwing the - wait, that is a female, right? sounds like it has a male's voice, haha.

but yeah - it's nice, just the hand was stiff when throwing that object. and when bending over to pick it back up.

i see you're extremely productive as usual

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Wow, people always tell me I'm bad at recognizing faces, but I can't believe I didn't notice it looks like a female lol :D. It is meant to be a male, so I quickly had a go at fixing the face, is this any better?



Also, I think your right about the hand. Its a bit difficult animating it the way I've set up the animation rig, but I have a quick fix in mind that should help :D. Thanks for the feedback!

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

Lower the eyebrows and make them look more natural and sharpen the eye shape a bit. And maybe change the lip color - it looks like lipgloss or lipstick. He still looks androgynous - which would be fine but I don't think that's the look you're going for.

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Ok, I did all those and I have to say that it looks way better :D. Its funny though, the majority of those things that I fixed I originally put there because I have them, I guess I look like a female lol :D. Anyway, here's another version :)