Mouldy Applez #3

Posted by spike1 on April 12, 2014, 1:46 a.m.

So cool with my titlezzzz…..

Anyway I'll make this one brief(After Edit:I've said this before, and once again I failed, damn it lol :D) as I noticed the number of comments and feedback is inversely proportional to the length of the blog. Ironically the shorter the blog the less there is to give feedback on, so… yeah :D.

Anyway, I've implemented a quests system which works pretty well. I've also added a crappy minimap which uses the textures of the objects as the icon at the moment lol, it looks awful, but it works :).

I've added a dialog system as well, and can now say I've programmed the same system in 3 different languages(GML,Python and UnityScript/Weird Javascript), and I have to say that for this at least, the changes between them were almost nothing lol, its amazing how similar they are. However, I've started using classes to structure my code better, so the code for the unity one is rather different. Without classes though its pretty much the same(Did that before learning classes lol, learned classes for the quest system as you can't have multi-typed arrays).

I also really need to make the font size bigger .

Also added sound support for the dialog.

Talking with a shoe

I've also started on an interesting attack system that is probably better suited for mobile, but meh. The idea is that instead of using the keyboard for attacks, you swipe the mouse in a certain gesture. It was pretty easy to implement, just average out the length of each segment in the array, take a sample of 4 points and compare them to another array to see how well they match. Obviously this won't work with more complex ones, but I'll cross that road when I come to it. Anyway, anything more complex would probably slow down the game, and I'm having trouble keeping a good framerate as it is with Unity's awful/slow terrain system.

Didn't go so well…

I just need to tidy up several of the core mechanics and add a few, then I can get to content creation. I already have the majority of the story planned out, and lets just say this ones a bit more wacky than my previous games lol, its weird, and doesn't take itself seriously at all(Figured that would work with the whole living fruit thing).

Thanks for reading!


McFluffeh 10 years, 10 months ago

Your game seems trippy as hell. I like it.

iamscissors 10 years, 10 months ago

This looks really nice!

But why is the shoe see through?

Pirate-rob 10 years, 10 months ago

The shoe can fly, it's not bound to normal physics as we mere mortals are.

spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Lol, thanks guys :D. As it turns out it would be impossible for the shoe to flatten the grass with the inbuilt terrain system, so I'm currently writing my own code as we speak that will give me complete control :D;. It actually runs a bit faster at the moment, although I have a feeling its part of a bug that isn't culling the grass correctly, which may slow down other computers with slower GPUs.;


ha lol, it can actually fly though, and talk :D;