Sleepy Robbers Released!

Posted by spike1 on June 2, 2014, 11:16 p.m.

GameJolt/Web Player Version/Windows Download

64 Digits Windows Download

Could we embed Unity web players into the game page? That would be awesome, and the file size is smaller then :D

Sorry, it's been a while since I've been active here, mostly been lurking lol :D. This is because I've been working hard on my game Sleepy Robbers, and finally after about a month and a half of work I think I can say its complete. Its got a short but decent length(30 mins), and I believe it has no game-breaking bugs unlike all my previous games.

So, whats also happened the last month? Well, I went to Japan for 9 days, that was pretty awesome :D. Tried as much food as possible, saw as many temples as possible and learned a bit of the language. I must say, although I'm not exactly fond of English(German is the best language I've practiced so far), yeah, its better than Japanese lol :D. None the less, it was fun getting around, and the train system was awesome :D.

Other than that its just been work work work, on my game and on school. I was hoping to get a bit of a break after this last game, but I've been entered into the Science Talent Search again by my mum on my behalf, I'm entering four different things apparently!! That'll be taking up all my time for the next two months, so I'll probably go back to lurking after this :D.

I'll be finishing off Moldy Apples for the science talent search, along with a film about the possible science behind werewolves, a board game about the immune system and a working invention, hopefully electronic. I'm thinking an alarm clock that records what your voice that can be activated during the night or as an alarm. That way you can set up daily reminders, and manipulate your sleep(Or wake up lol) :D. I've got two months to do all this…………………..

My long term plans are still to finish off Project Kenny/other stuff, but their constantly delayed sadly :(.

So, anything cool happening on here? I've missed quite a few posts and blogs lol :D. Congrats to StevenOBrien and the Only If team for finishing their game, will need to play it soon :)

Thanks for reading! :)


spike1 10 years, 7 months ago

I just wanted to thank everyone for the fantastic feedback I've been given :D. Sorry, couldn't resist :), but yeah, bump(Are there any bumping rules?) :).

Acid 10 years, 7 months ago

Honestly, when the site hits a dead period, mods are a lot more lax aboyt bumping and junk. You aren't bumping every day, so you should be fine.

Castypher 10 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, I noticed that you in particular are kind of wary about bumping. We actually relaxed our rules on it a few months ago, and as Acid said, you're actually more than welcome to bump some stuff during the dead periods so we can get some discussion going again.

I haven't had a lot of time to myself lately so sorry I haven't gotten around to playing your game. But man, I'm jealous of you going to Japan. I'd love to go to some Asian country for a while and just see how different the culture is. And yeah, I can attest that Japanese is a tough language.

spike1 10 years, 7 months ago

Ok, good to know :).


Haha, yeah its pretty amazing the difference between Japan and Australia :D. It was quite an interesting experience witnessing it all first hand, I hope you are ale to go one day :D.

On another note, on the 9th was my birthday(14 now), forgot to mention it lol :D.

Alert Games 10 years, 7 months ago

Not bad as a project. Definitely worth the effort, but does need a lot of work. The voice acting is also pretty monotone, but if you did it yourself its better than text on the screen for sure. Some of the dialog was kind of long and I got bored, or couldnt hear it.

spike1 10 years, 7 months ago

Sorry to bombard you with questions but your my only external playtester at the moment lol :D

With the dialog, fair enough, I did do it myself :D. Are there any parts that are particularly bad? I'm more than happy to re-record. And yeah, I can understand the long and boring part, let me guess, are you referring to when in Act1 they are video chatting to Sam from Act2?

Gameplay wise, was it ok? I'm pretty sure its bug free, but apart from the boring exposition parts was it fun?

Also, did you play to the end of Act2 or just Act1?

Thanks if you take the time to answer these :).