Kuromaru likes.

Posted by stampede on Aug. 1, 2007, 12:32 a.m.


<img src="http://64digits.com/users/stampede/kuromaru_yay.gif" align="right">I'm using my new lovely computer now. Actually used for a month or something already. Just didn't feel like bloggin'. I just love this when everything just works and don't need lots and lots of tweaking. Kuromaru likes this too. As you can see.

But well, let's go to project updates.

I'm not started my main project Stukptur or side project Kkomonoid yet. Don't have that right feeling for neither one. I think I'll just play Metroids and current version of Stukptur for sometime. Maybe I then have inspiration for it. So, nothing interesting about these projects.

Currently I'm excited about my new (definitely doomed) RPG project. It has some really great features already. Maybe I'll list here something:

  • Item and object loading from files (item/object database and graphic files). So I only need general item object in GM file and it loads all the info for it from files.

  • Working backpack system. You can drop and equip items etc.

  • Player stats widget. Player names, levels etc.

  • Container system. Currently one chest in database.

  • Characters actually wear equipped items.

    If I have time and interests, I'm going to add important features, although these are still in heavy design phase:

  • Item, object and terrain editors. Some testing already done with item editor.

  • Terrain generating system.

  • Conversation system for NPCs.

  • NPCs and enemies in general.

  • Battle system.

  • Quest system.

  • If I have time, some magic system would be great addition.

    Here's screenshot from the game itself. Click to see in fullsize:

    <a href="http://64digits.com/users/stampede/rpg_screenshot1.png"><img src="http://64digits.com/users/stampede/rpg_screenshot1_thumb.png" align="center"></a>

    Currently terrain is really dull looking. No terrain generator yet as I said.

    Unimportant info (as if text above was important):

    I like Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. My current playtime is something between 55 and 60 hours. I played that two nights without sleeping at all. Great game. But some game mechanics are really dumb. Like inventory system. I hate that in Oblivion. But this game has some really brilliant music. Very very atmospheric and beautiful melodies.

    I need to transfer all important files from my old computer to this new one. Music and such.

    I'm done.

    Edit: Kuromaru is everywhere! Even in my avatar!
  • Comments

    stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

    Me likes how 64d bloggin' system ruins my formatting :)

    s 17 years, 6 months ago

    That terrain is horrid,bleak to the eye and has enough unique points to make the tiled ground disgust.And worse of all,it doesn't even blend with the rest of the gfx

    stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

    Hehheh, this whole project started because I found great free character sprite set from the internets. And the graphics (except that backpack icon) aren't made by me. Just thrown together :D

    I.E. that brickwall tile; it's from great mmorpg and I'm sure that original owner wouldn't like me if they were in published game. Terrain graphics is going to be changed really.

    god 17 years, 6 months ago

    The backpack is the best part.

    panzercretin 17 years, 6 months ago

    Kuromaru's not in your banner……

    Crane-ium 17 years, 6 months ago

    That game looks good so far. Also, I suck at Oblivion somehow…that's the only game I can't block arrows with a shield. I keep thinking that by pointing this shield in one direction, it'll block it. I'm always wrong and they hit me in the chest.

    Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 6 months ago

    ZOMG, reduce the fucking resolution.

    stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

    Drone: Thanks dude!

    Twinsoul: Yeah. I'm trying hard to prevent that.

    Crane Games: Thanks! You should be able to block arrows with shield O_o

    ghg: Maybe I should go with 800x600.

    E-Magination 17 years, 6 months ago

    tentwennyfour is way too much for a couple of 32x32 sprites.