Pokeyman ála 64digits

Posted by stampede on Aug. 3, 2007, 11:05 a.m.

HeroofTime55 wrote in his blog about starting a project, where everyone in 64d can create their own pokemon like creatures and battle them. If it goes well, it could be very fun. Even if HeroofTime55 is going to make lots of it alone, in my opinion, we could make this our "community project" so anyone could contribute code and so on, if it is good.

I already drew an early concept art for one of my "64digitmon". Here are some info:

Name: Skurse

Type: Depressed horror-horse 64d-mon

And here is that picture:

Skurse concept art 1

You all should contribute something to it (especially monster ideas and concepts) now, so this project could become something someday.

I'm tired…


Dirt_Devil 17 years, 6 months ago

Hey he would look good with a mohawk.

stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

You mean Skurse? If I'm ever going to finish that monster for the final product, I think I'm going to make evolved version too. Maybe I can use your idea for that. Hmm…

panzercretin 17 years, 6 months ago

i made a pokedigiman, his name is Anonymous. He is invisible, silent, and you cannot touch him, and he cannot touch you. Basically, he's not really there. Here's a drawing:

isn't it BEAUTIFUL?!

Ph0x 17 years, 6 months ago

my pokecard :P

s 17 years, 6 months ago

I've been tired for awhile,so I went to sleep early at 1AM instead of 3AM