
Posted by stampede on March 31, 2008, 7:08 a.m.

I want to have rehearsals with our band already

and gigs

and I want a keyboard/sound manipulator dude

and I want to buy a synthesizer for myself

so much.

Kkomonoid is currently three-piece band.

Hopefully four-piece as soon as possible.

No particular genre, going towards indie-kind I think.

I sing, play guitar, write songs and do other things if needed.

Vesa plays bass and other things if needed.

Rudolf beats up electric drums and other things if needed,

as soon as he gets out of army and buys the drums.

I have already composed some songs.

And I have too much ideas for new songs.

I need to get them out.

With band preferably.

But I can't do it before band comes together.


I'm flooding :(


Yes, you can see what is the graphic style of this band :D

And yes, it is lame to do graphics for a band that doesn't practically exist yet.


I bought a synthesizer today! :O Not a real one, but some sound comes from it, that's all I need. Pic of same synth I have And that's not a joke. I really bought that princess thing.


stampede 16 years, 8 months ago

What's wrong Lethal? :o

Nobody, it is! I brought it to my work today so I can play it as much as I like >:D

Juju 16 years, 8 months ago

Best of luck stampede!

Mat 16 years, 8 months ago

Yep, Best'o Luck!

Also is it just me or is that image flashing on and off slightly?

stampede 16 years, 8 months ago


… Yes, it's animated gif :D