Jkamo's guild

Posted by stevo on March 18, 2007, 3:04 p.m.

Let me introduce myself, I am stevo and I am a good friend of Game_Genius. Just yesterday a horrible thing happend to me. I got banned from Jkamo's guild for spazing out because they put my title as crap head. Their reason, I made a grammar mistake. They got mad at me for it. So they made fun of me. I retaliated and they banned me. Is this my fault? The thing is they made a ton of them as well. That makes me mad.


Alert Games 17 years, 10 months ago

Do a barrel roll!

Kedatoran 17 years, 10 months ago

To clarify: Mr. Stevo here has not been banned from the Game Maker Guild for 'misspelling', contrary to his claims.



There were originally five or six of similar topics from Stevo. I'd call it slightly more than a spelling error. In fact, nothing was provoked by a spelling error.

It was a totally random, bipolar-esque fit of rage. For further support, if you care, contact any member at GM Guild. This kid is a liar.