It's a GIRL !!!1

Posted by t3mp3st on April 7, 2007, 11:16 p.m.

Alison Mae

Born: April 07, 2007

Weight: 7 pounds, 11 ounces

Length: 20 inches

*note: The liquid by the eyes is am antibiotic applied shortly after birth, she was about 15-20 minutes old at the time of this picture ^_^

Finally. About 26 hours after being checked into the hospital, and about 2 hours of sleep for me, my daughter was born at 12:53 PM (less than 12 hours before this post, actually) Heh, I still haven't slept… Have some cleaning up to do before her and my fiance get out of the hospital.

It was pretty amazing for me actually… The guy who usually passes out when his blood is drawn, managed to make it through an entire labor and birth, and even cut the umbilical cord. Of course, my job wasn't nearly as difficult as it was for my girlfriend. She obviously was in alot of pain, but handled it really well.

I've alot to learn and do (for instance today I changed my very first diaper… funner than it actually sounds really, it's kinda weird in an odd way :p) …But I am so looking forward to it. It's bound to eat up much of my time, but I assume I'll get some GM time during a nap here and there… Heh, perhaps I should get working on something 'educational'…

Anyways, that's probably enough for now, I've already spent most of the day blabbing about her to family, think it's about time I got some work done here before getting to sleep. (Work that was planned for friday after the clinic, until being told to go straight to the hospital…)


sk8m8trix 17 years, 10 months ago

Wow, nice kid! She has the killers eye! You nsure shes not related to me too? XD Nice job!

Killpill28 17 years, 10 months ago


Please welcome your daughter to 64digits, leave her sanity in the skull by the door.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 10 months ago


It used to be a red box, WTF happened?

Jaythediv 17 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations mate - all the best with your new daughter :)

eagly 17 years, 10 months ago

Glad everything went smoothly.

Nice hat, too. ^^

Cesque 17 years, 10 months ago


poultry 17 years, 10 months ago


I've alot to learn and do (for instance today I changed my very first diaper…



Umm, yeah, congrats.

Evilish 17 years, 10 months ago

Having a baby sister and brother that I take care of most of the time… when their napping, the only thing you wanna do is go to sleep as well.

And today they were hyped on chocolate eggs, scary.

Anyway, congrats

shawn 17 years, 10 months ago

Congrats to you and your fiance? Girlfriend?

Anyway, have fun. I suppose the beggining is the best. Happy birthday!

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago


You're a very lucky person if you think changing diapers is fun.