I'm not much for talking about myself, I'm more often moving topics, but what the hey…
Gotta show my stuff somewhere, so I think I'll give this place a chance. Guess I'll have to let you know when I have some stuff :pSeriously, I've had dozens of projects in GM, some sites, etc, but none ever revealed, none ever finished to a point I was happy with. Honestly, if it wasn't for my activites in Q+A at the GMC (in the beginning, helping, more recently moderating), few would have a clue who I am. Then again, there is at least one person online who sees fit to imitate (with a stolen avatar of mine to boot), so I guess that says something.Anyways, I will definitely write some more later, perhaps tell some stories or at least give other's a glance at some of my interests, but if any are curious about anything, drop a PM. Being a moderator is more lonely than many realize :p
Yeah, I'd be interested to know as well.
Supposedly I am an administrator of the runescape help forums:
http://rshh.17.forumer.com/Of course, I don't really even play multiplayer games, nevermind help others with one. The other admin just happens to be PC Wrecker, who I have given a hard time at the GMC. At first I was annoyed, but now just find it kind of funny.Stories… Probably stories like that one :pHehe. I think someone from there is a member here.
Oh yes… man i miss the GMC that was really intimate, where we had that like off topic forum, GMC Christmas Story Thread, sparl was running a muck, dex, capn, mocha, mr. chub, shawn64 were regulars… man… good times…
I saw about the last 6 months or so of the Ezboard forum, even had a 1-reply WIP back then. Then again, I was of course 100% drag and drop as well. Good times though, the people are part of what made me stick with GM.
I found out about Game Maker at version 5.0, and the ezboard was at the eve of its life. The GMC was using IPB 1 and everyone knew each other. I liked that a whole lot better then what it is now =)
-ArcI missed out on the Ezboard, but made it to the first IPB version.
Like it matters… Well, i give you a nice warm welcome to 64Digits.-Steveno smart, if you missed out on ezboard altogether, you hit the third IPB. I was in both IPBs previous to that.
My bad then…
All i remember is that this is the SECOND forum (NOT counting the switch in servers) that i've been in with Game Maker.-Steve