Project Phoenix - Dynamic Weapon Changing Video

Posted by tahnok100 on Oct. 8, 2008, 11:41 p.m.

So, since my website has gone down, along with my blog, I figure I will post a few progress updates of my current project here.

Project Phoenix is going to be an online platform shooting game, pitting player against player. It's been in development on and off for quite a while now. Here's a screenshot from a while ago showing off a level:

Recently I've really been stepping up the dev speed and have come up with some nice new features. The video below shows the new arm system, which utilizes inverse kinematics. The arms are being calculated and created on the fly, depending on the user input (which is "change gun" in the video). So enjoy this quick vid of the player changing between the pistol and shotgun.

BTW, yes, the player is floating at this point. The legs will also be dynamically created eventually, but I've not started work on that system yet.




tahnok100 16 years, 4 months ago

Juju, yes, I could probably adapt the system to make destructible terrain possible. But there's an issue. Leaving the terrain objects as primitives will slow things down due to the complex drawing and collision detection. Also, the primitives have as few of points as possible, to keep sending maps over the net lightweight. So it would kill the FPS in more way than one.

I seriously considered going with polygon collision detection, but opted against it. As it is, this game is going to take a very long time to develop. If I had to handle a custom collision system for every little object that would just delay things that much more. Call it laziness maybe, but I just didn't want the hassle.

Thank you TDOT. That's just a demo level I've put together. The final levels should look even better once I make them a bit bigger and add more textures and objects.

Evilish, indeed, destructible terrain in a quick paced online game like this would be a nightmare. Not only would it have to be kept synced, it could also introduce some very negative gameplay aspects when people start changing the level in real time. The gameplay hasn't been designed to allow for DT, so I'm not going to even toy with it.

Thanks for the feedback guys! It's always encouraging to get a good reaction to a project.

Joseph 16 years, 4 months ago

the video isn't very pretty looking, but the idea is. good job.

Bryan 16 years, 4 months ago

I gotta love it.

flashback 16 years, 4 months ago

Terrain objects as collision masks drawn from a surface. Much more efficient.