[108] My blog doesn't suck now

Posted by takua108 on Nov. 8, 2006, 4:05 p.m.

First off, major thanks to melee-master for giving me HTML powers back. You be the man.

Anyways, concerning my last post…I was barely awake, at the orthodontist's office, and generally in a bad mood, so sorry if it sounded rash. But whatever.

The people of South Dakota have voted "no" on Six, so abortion is allowed once more. But, like Cesque said, it just means eventual victory for Republicans. So I'll be optomistic about the whole thing.

I entirely forgot about this project I did a week ago. I made a Jeopardy! board with Game Maker for a History presentation, and it turned out rather well, given my two days to make it. My group and I showed it in class on the overhead projector. We recieved a 100% on it. You can download <a href="http://upload.thetyphooncorp.com/jeopardy.gm6">the source code</a> or <a href="http://upload.thetyphooncorp.com/jeopardy.exe">the executable</a>. I'm thinking about polishing it up (adding visual effects and whatnot), and then releasing it here at 64Digits. I'm not submiting it now 'cuz it looks kind of bad, although it works fine.

<a href="http://console.thetyphooncorp.com">108-DOS</a> has had some bugs recently, but it works pretty well. I'm still thinking of ways to make it programmable; my eventual goal is to allow users (who have signed up [>>]) to make "programs" for it, using a combination of PHP and JavaScript. Although this would, of course, open doors to hackers, I think that with enough security measures in it, I should be relatively safe. I was thinking of about developing my own programming language that would be parsed in PHP, but that seems too hard. Maybe, though.

Also, it's quarter-grade time, and I've got A's in every class except for the two that matter: Math and Computer. I have B's in both, but still…those are the classes that'll get me into college doing programming. Admittedly, I'm usually working on my own stuff during Web Page Programming, and Advanced Algebra 2 is using the new CPM method of teaching, but…meh. (In all fairness, I'm getting an "A" in Web Page Programming now <em>after</em> the quarter grades are in, but still…I'm probably the most computer-savvy person in the school, teachers included. [:(])

I watched the whole series of <em>R.O.D. The TV</em> on YouTube. It has to be my favorite show of all time, and I never finished watching the English-translated version on TechTV before it got involved with a hostile takeover (damn you, G4!), so I stayed up all night a couple days ago to watch the whole series. I highly recommend it to anyone who's awesome. I'd provide a link but my school's firewall blocks YouTube, as I just found out.

That's all for now, folks. I'm thinking of making a new avatar, because most people don't understand the <span style="color: white;">FLCL</span> reference.

P.S. If you want to watch <em>R.O.D. The TV</em> on YouTube, search for the user "coralkiss."


Josea 18 years, 3 months ago

And why would you want to make your own language parsed in PHP?

poultry 18 years, 3 months ago

that 108-DOS is looking nice :)

takua108 18 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Chiken [^^]