[108] I'm Alive, Believe It Or Not

Posted by takua108 on Nov. 29, 2006, 3:20 a.m.

Before I get to the excuses, there are a few burning bits of vital information you all need to know:<ul><li><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpQmtjfsZU4" target="_blank">"Trogdor" is in Guitar Hero II.</a></li><li><a href="http://gotmorr.com" target="_blank">The author of</a> <a href="http://gotmorr.com/blastwave/" target="_blank">the second or third coolest webcomic ever made</a> <a href="http://gotmorr.com/?page_id=20" target="_blank">is a former GM user! Zomg!</a></li><li>I'm redoing Project: TOPDOWN. From scratch. Fully commented. Localhosted wiki to keep track of everything. It's now called "The Theta Engine", or "Theta" for short.<ul><li>So far all I've got is XML-based external resource loading and a fairly awesome command console.</li></ul></li><li>Far Cry: Instincts owns Halo 2 for Xbpx split-screen deathmatches with siblings.</li><li>I'm thinking of a new name for my website (currently "<a href="http://thetyphooncorp.com" target="_blank">thetyphooncorp.com</a>"). Why? Because that name is <em>stupid</em>, seeing as how I made it up like in fourth grade, and seeing as how my website (which will undergo a SERIOUS facelift along with the new domain name) is mostly for Flash movies and other projects of mine.</li><li>I severely want a Wacom tablet. I may ask for one for Christmas, but the chances of my parents getting me one is next to nil.</li><li>I want to kill my good friend Nathan a.k.a. <a href="http://exyber.deviantart.com" target="_blank">Exyber</a>, because I want to steal his Wacom tablet and syphon his art skills into…myself…somehow.</li><li>Even though I haven't yet seen their new movie, Tenacious D kicks all of your asses.</li><li>If you read all of that, you get a piece of pie. Metaphorically. Figure that one out.</li></ul>Now anyways, excuses time. I actually have a highly valid excuse: my mom unplugged my Internet access for the past…week-and-a-half, methinks? So yeah, no Internet access except for at school…so sorry for being away so much. And not doing GC-assigned projects (**avoids eye contact with Rhys and Arc**).

In other news, I got excellent grades this quarter. I'm considerably happy with this, because I've done absolutely <em>horribly</em> these past few years. Horray for ADD medication [>>]

And, on that seemingly random note…blogpost = over.


RhysAndrews 18 years, 2 months ago


Maxcore 18 years, 2 months ago

I'm sorry, but you could do that guy's art with the pen tool, and then use a low opacty brush and smudge tool.

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

*eye contact*


Just kidding [:P]

Cesar 18 years, 2 months ago

that comic goes into third in my book, after Damaged's and 8-bit theater

sirxemic 18 years, 2 months ago

I still need you for giving me ftp access to the GC website.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years, 2 months ago

I remember than game (webcomic guy).

Radnom_Games 18 years, 2 months ago

I like 'Sluggy Freelance' and 'Real Life' and 'DrMcNinja' and a few others more in terms of content but that comic has some damn good art.

Radnom_Games 18 years, 2 months ago

And I remember that game too :P

sk8m8trix 18 years, 2 months ago

what game is that?