[108] Pick of Destiny + Flash Preview...

Posted by takua108 on Dec. 2, 2006, 8:30 p.m.

Yeah, I just got back from <u>Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny</u>. There's been some <em>very</em> mixed reviews about the film, so I thought I'd put my two cents in as well.

First of all, I came into the theater with moderately high expectations of the movie. I knew it wouldn't win any awards (because professional critics have no sense of humor), but I came out of it at least a little disappointed. (Then again, I went with four friends, three of which had seen it already.)

It's kind of hard to explain, but it's more…<em>sublimely</em> funny than it is laugh-out-loud funny. It's got its funny bits here and there, but listening to the soundtrack afterwards and talking about the movie was probably more fun than the movie itself. Also, the movie was oddly paced, and it ended too quickly.

Also, I don't recommend it for people who've never heard Tenacious D before, because it has a <em>ton</em> of inside jokes. If you've never watched the TV show or heard their self-titled album, then…there's nearly zero humor for you.

In fact, here's a quick quiz, in lieu of yesterday's quiz, but without the multiple choices:<ol><li>If you heard Jack Black or Kyle Gass say something about "two kings," what would they be referring to?</li><li>What's a "cock push-up?"</li><li>What's "rocket sauce?"</li></ol>If you can't answer at least two of these questions correctly on your own, I doubt you'll enjoy much of the humor of the movie (fart jokes aside).

All-in-all…it was okay. I'd recommend watching it, picking up the album (watching the movie is necessary because a lot of the songs are relevant to the plotline of the movie), and then going back to your old choice of music after a couple days.

Which is exactly what I did. I'm back to my strange mix of Metallica and Reel Big Fish. Not right now, though, because I have a pounding headache from last night.

Last night I had three of the aforementioned four friends over to spend the night, and it was pretty sweet. We played Guitar Hero II more than was probably necessary, but it was awesome anyways. As it turns out, I actually don't suck too badly at it.

We also made a sweet Flash movie that I'll post tomorrow after I put the finishing touches. And by "sweet" I secretly mean "highly juvenile and Splinter Cell-related."

So yeah, I'm going to bed early now, so I won't be online tonight. My head is killing me, and I hope I'm not getting sick; my dad just got over being sick for the first time since the eighties.

Uhm…yeah, I've pretty much used every witty closing line I had already, and I don't feel like making up a new one, so…go…away. Now. But comment first.

EDIT.01: Just kidding, I'm feeling better. ONLINE'd!

EDIT.02: Added quiz.


equa_olien 18 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, Pick of Destiny is all Mike, Joel, Carson, and people talk about at lunch.

I'm glad to see you are still into the RBF, whatever happened to Pantera?

And yes, Guitar Hero II is amazing.

takua108 18 years, 3 months ago

Ignore equa…he's never been to a movie theater before [>>]