[108] Updates on My Stuff

Posted by takua108 on Dec. 5, 2006, 1:31 p.m.

I've decided that, for some reason, I should be more active on 64Digits. Maybe it's because of <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=takua108&cmd=comments&id=11145">yesterday's blogpost</a> (in which nobody seemed to know who I was…[:S]), but whatever. I'll try and be active, (at least for awhile).

Also, I think people don't recognize me with my new avatar. So here's a brief history of takua108's 64Digit avatars:<table border="0"><tr><th><img src="http://64digits.com/users/takua108/bill_ak-47.gif" /></th><th><img src="http://64digits.com/users/takua108/flcl_90degrees_avatar.png" /></th><th><img src="http://64digits.com/users/takua108/108.png" /></th></tr><tr><td>Bill Doofizeo (old character I used to draw)</td><td>FLCL reference that nobody got</td><td>Math problem that <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=takua108&cmd=comments&id=11145">MrPacman used to destroy the universe as we know it</a></td></tr></table>

So, after spending several minutes of commenting on blogposts, I figured I'd need to update on what else I've been up to recently. I have several projects that are coming alogn nicely that I thought I'd share (mostly because of a lack of other content to post in my blog).

I've been mainly working on this website called "FOOD!" (for lack of a better name upon founding the project). It's an idea my mom and her brother (my uncle) had: a website where people can post and share recipies. They wanted it because their mom (my grandmother) is getting old, and before she passes away, they wanted to record all of the recipies she knows but hasn't written down.

Eventually I started on the project, and I hope to finish it by Christmas so I can give it as a kind of gift to that half of my family. It's been coming along nicely as of recent, and it is actually functional in most places already. I encourage you to try it out and give me feedback; the URL is <a href="http://food.thetyphooncorp.com"><strong>http://food.thetyphooncorp.com</strong></a>. I'm also making it a test of my web development ability; you'll see few images, as the website is based strongly around CSS stylesheets. It's also XHTML 1.1-compatable, which I'm fairly proud of.

I've also <strong>haven't</strong> been working on <a href="http://console.thetyphooncorp.com"><strong>108-DOS</strong></a>, but it's still cool anyways and few people have actually tried it (or if they have they haven't signed up). Please do me a favor and sign up for it; it's just a username, password, and e-mail address that I'll never use again. Plus you can give me suggestions for things to do for it (other than the 108API which I may work on at some point [108API is going to be a JavaScript-derived "programming language" that people can make their own "programs" for 108-DOS with.]).

To register for 108-DOS, just type

<tt>REGISTER [username] [password] [e-mail]</tt>

at the prompt. You probably won't regret it, as 108-DOS is fairly awesome.

I also made a funny Flash movie that I'll post as soon as my friends and I finish the "voicework" on it. It's Splinter Cell-themed, and retarded (check out my previously posted movies to see just <em>how</em> retarded), but funny, in a way.

That's all for now. Rehashes of old projects and a thumbnailless preview of a new one. Just what you all wanted![/sarcasm]


Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

Hey, I know you, your the one that made that kick-ass inventory, cool, glad to see you at 64Digits. [:D]

Anyway, I like you new avatar, but I like the second one more. [:)]


takua108 18 years, 2 months ago

Uhm…I never made an inventory system…I'm more well-known for Project: TOPDOWN (now titled Theta), GMstats, GMupdate, my Screen Distortion Scripts, takua108+darkmage's 2D Lens Flare…and that's like everything I've ever made. Ever.

Rez 18 years, 2 months ago

If I worried about people recognizing me I probably wouldn't have had over 98 avatars in the first place. =D

Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

Lol, sorry, I was thinking about another GMer. [:P]


Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

I understood the FLCL reference, but not for months after you had the avatar (when I watched FLCL, saw it on the guy's shirt, and said "Hey! Takua has that as his avatar!"

takua108 18 years, 2 months ago

LOLs at Arc.

equa_olien 18 years, 2 months ago

Weird, cuz when he first showed the avatar to me, I couldn't stop thinking about it during Geometry class last year.

takua108 18 years, 2 months ago

…you mean the 90 degrees? Lols at Equa. [^^]

beam 18 years, 2 months ago

108-dos is pretty cool, except i can't cd into my user dir

Kenon 18 years, 1 month ago

=O I got the FLCL reference =O