[108] Jack Thompson Abuses Tragedy

Posted by takua108 on April 16, 2007, 3:51 p.m.

Okay, so here I am in Current World Affairs class, sixth period, around 1:00 GMT-07:00. We usually watch the news on TV while reading a newspaper or <u>U.S. News & World Report</u>, and sometimes get a lecture on some relevant world topic. Today we were scheduled for a lecture.

We didn't get one. The news on TV about <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,266374,00.html" target="_blank">the shooting at Virginia Tech</a> was considered to be a huge tragedy, so we watched it instead on Fox News.

So I'm sitting there watching the news, and all of the sudden, the anchorman says*, <b>"…With us now is a prosecuting lawyer who's familiar with cases such as this, Jack Thompson."</b>

Now note that I was only half-listening at the time, as I usually do in that class. But upon hearing this, I twitched, thinking to myself, "…did he just say <i>Jack Thompson</i>?!" After hearing "Jack Thompson" repeated again, I couldn't help but think: "no way, not the self-righteous bullshit-spewing videogame-hating ambulance-chaser I know and hate, is it? Surely Fox News (in my opinion, the greatest television news network there is) wouldn't stoop so low as to ask <i>Jack Thompson</i> for his thoughts on a school shooting?"

Before Mr. Thompson even opened his mouth to speak, I considered this a second. Maybe he actually <i>wouldn't</i> be retarded for once. This is a <i>huge</i> national tragedy, having the highest body count of any school shooting in America to date, and I hoped that Mr. Thompson could maybe, in his heart of hearts, <i>not</I> rant on about how clearly it was <i>Doom</i> that caused another school shooting.

He did.

What he went on to say can be accurately paraphrased thusly:

Quote: Jack Thompson (paraphrased)
Hi, I'm Jack Thompson. As has been reported, the authorities are searching the suspect's apartment, talking to his friends, looking on his computer, questioning his parents…but let's stop at "looking on his computer," and talk about it for a bit. Obviously, it was entirely pop culture's fault. I mean look at the past; two different shootings have been caused by the ultra-violent computer game <i>Doom</i>**, and obviously it's violence in the mainstream media that's once again causing these psychotic people to do these terrible things. I mean, one guy even*** played <i>Grand Theft Auto</i> to calm himself before a shooting. Obviously he was desensitizing himself to violence by playing a videogame! Pop culture is quite obviously the cause of all blah <small>blah <small>blah <small>blah <small>bullshit <small>blah <small>blah…</blah></blah></blah></blah></blah>

Everyone in the class except for the teacher was ridiculing the idea that videogames cause violence, but I myself was more shocked by the fact that Mr. Thompson had just spewed a whole <i>load</i> of bullshit on completely unfounded ground. Never once has <i>any</i> report yet been made that the suspect of the case has had <i>anything</i> to do with videogames (in fact, as far as we know, he/she never even played them), yet he decided to once again take a tragedy and use it as his political grandstand to inject <i>bullshit</i> into the minds of our nation. Literally everyone else who I saw come on Fox News that hour made it <i>blatantly clear</i> that they were <i>highly</i> distraught about the whole fiasco, yet Mr. Thompson never <i>once</i> offered his condolences.

It's not even the fact that it's videogames that Mr. Thompson is condemning that's pissing me off right now. It's the fact that he's ranting on about his own political cause during a national tragedy, and making accusations on completely unfounded ground. This is about the same as if a second World Trade Center incident occurred, and a lone Democrat said, "yeah, well, you <i>do</i> realize that this <i>is</i> all Bush's fault."

In closing, I honestly hope that Jack Thompson chokes on the bullshit he's spewing from his mouth and dies.


<a href="http://kotaku.com/gaming/virginia-tech/breaking-idiot-blames-va-shooting-on-games-252702.php" target="_blank">Article on the subject</a>

<a href="http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?p=5247211#post5247211" target="_blank">My posting on the Facepunch forums about this</a>

* Note that not all quotes are verbatim.

** Yes, he <i>did</i> reference <i>Doom</i> by name. id software is presumably pissed.

*** Reportedly, although Mr. Thompson left out this crucial word.


JW 17 years, 10 months ago

I love good ol jackie. :)

Master_Kakashi 17 years, 10 months ago

What an assface. He totally needs to be disbarred in every single state. except alaska,lets see him argue his point there.