[108] Where I've Been

Posted by takua108 on Aug. 20, 2007, 3:45 a.m.

So yeah, I've clearly been away from my blog here at 64D for mass amounts of time. So long, in fact, that most people reading this don't even know me. (Not that many people here know me anyways…)

Anywho, I've had a crazy summer. First I flew out to Washington state for two weeks to attend the Programming Level Two workshop at <a href="http://digipen.edu" target="_blank">Digipen</a>, and like <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=takua108&cmd=comments&id=6456" target="_blank">last year</a>, got the unofficial "best game in the class" award by the teachers. <strong>You can download the game and try it out <a href="http://upload.thetyphooncorp.com/vectorfighter__FINAL.zip" target="_blank">HERE</a>.</strong> Post comments and such. I know, it kind of sucks and it's a rather large download, but that's mostly because of the kickass music my friend made for it. I'm thinking about installing Game Maker again just so I can remake it in GML so I can add better special effects and such. (By the way, remember to install the fonts as specified in the ZIP. Extract everything, too. If the font installation fails, just copy the font file into your fonts directory. Oh, and leave the game alone at the title screen for a few minutes to see a few easter eggs. ^_^)

I used only four functions for drawing the main game: "draw line," "draw circle," "draw text," and "draw particles."

The math in it was frickin' hard. Note the spinning cubes.

Anyways, if my uncle ever sends me the video footage, I'll post it here. It was pretty awesome.

Anyways, a week after being back from Digipen, my dad took me to Omaha, Nebraska (where he and my mom went to college) to attend a Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) concert.

It was absolutely amazing. I'd never heard many Pink Floyd songs before, but the concert was probably one of the top ten most awesome things to ever happen in my life.

While the music was astounding, the light show and visual effects were awesome as well.

Imagine this: a black sphere with four beams extruding from it: one in the center of the top, and three angled downwards in a triangular pattern. Each of these extrusions has a smaller sphere on the end. This thing drops from the ceiling, and everyone in the crowd is like "WTF." Then, all of a sudden, lasers connect the "points" to form the Dark Side of the Moon prism. Everyone in the crows is like "ZOMG!," when, suddenly, a white laser shoots out of one side of the center sphere, and a rainbow laser shoots out of the other (technically, it was a laser moving up and down quickly while changing colors to give the <em>illusion</em> of a rainbow, but it looked pretty effing cool). The whole apparatus then proceeded to rotate, dousing the entire crowd with the white, and then rainbow lasers over and over again. That's just one of the incredible visual displays of awesomeness that appeared during the concert.

There were only two issues I had with the show. Firstly, behind Waters & Co., there was a gigantic (presumably LCD) display; halfway into the show, a section of pixels lost power and blacked out. They came back on somehow fifteen minutes or so later. Minor, I know, but is shows how awesome of an experience it was overall. The second quibble I had with the show was the little anti-war bit that was thrown in about two-thirds of the way through. I'm fairly certain that the two or three songs on the matter were from Waters' own album (maybe? I've never heard it), and, ignoring my rather conservative political views entirely, it was kind of disappointing to hear pseudopolitical babble in the middle of an otherwise awesome show. The rest of the crowd thought so as well; there was a fair amount of booing when Waters attacked George W. Bush and Tony Blair by name.

There was also an overwhelming odor of cannabis in the air, and that's coming from an individual who literally cannot smell all but the strongest of smells due to allergies and such. I also had a rather large headache afterwards; it's comforting to know that there's a chance that I'm <em>allergic</em> to marijuana. (Considering I'm allergic to <em>cantaloupe</em>, it's not that unlikely.)

So all-in-all it was a relatively awesome experience. Oh, and having "Comfortably Numb" as the closing song was <em>epic</em>.

But this was all a couple months ago; I'll explain what's been going on more recently either tomorrow or the next day. Hopefully.

Comment, please. I didn't spend a ten minutes at work to sneak off and type this instead of putting envelopes inside of other envelopes (honest-to-God truth, that's what I'm doing right now at work as an assigned task.)


firestormx 17 years ago

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