takedowntheband.com Online!

Posted by takua108 on April 28, 2006, 5:34 p.m.

At long last, the website for my friends' band is uploaded and online. As are the boards, but I haven't finished the skin for it entirely (there's some parts of the subSilver that show through). The website has been my PHP/MySQL labor of love and, finally, it's available <a href="http://www.takedowntheband.com">here</a>. Check it out.

(If you <i>do</i> go there, beware; the songs they've uploaded are mostly of the humour variety, and none of the current songs really show how awesome they are at playing, aside from the Jam Session recordings.)

I'm afraid there's no news on TOPDOWN today, because I've spent all of my time either on this site or my <i>other</i> MySQL project, the GMSQL component for GameCave's Conflict: Online. I've got the user statistics mostly finished up, but what I really need to make is a system for storing the current servers and such. That sounds easy compared to the user statistics, but with global and local banning as well as other features…it'll take awhile. I'd upload a screenshot but 1.) right now our free SQL host is off-line and 2.) it wouldn't be anything other than some text retrieved from the server.

In personal news, my allergies developed into a full-blown sinus headache on Wednesday, and I stayed home from school. I woke up Thursday morning to find that all the nastiness in my nose had drifted into my left ear while I was asleep, and I had a full-blown ear infection. I'm no stranger to these, however, as I've had easily over ten over the course of my life. But they still hurt like a mother.

Now it's Friday, and I'm all cured, aside from the snot leftover from the past two days. Oh, and the fact that my nose has been nearly filed off due to the school district's cheap-ass tissues. If it weren't for my parents buying Kleenex I would probably be noseless by now.


Josea 18 years, 10 months ago


takua108 18 years, 10 months ago

Isn't it, though?

firestormx 18 years, 10 months ago

Tell them to scream more in the songs. XD

takua108 18 years, 10 months ago

Lol…I take it you like metal?

melee-master 18 years, 10 months ago

Rob likes screamo metal that isn't too demonic. I don't mind screamo, but I like all genres of metal, death in particular.

takua108 18 years, 10 months ago

Well Takedown plays more classic rock-type stuff…aside from all the humour tracks.

firestormx 18 years, 10 months ago

Actually, screamo isn't metal, it's more of a punk subgenre.

…Man, I hate how almost every music genre I classified as a punk subgenre, 'cause I really hate punk. XD

But anyway, screamo is more grindcore sounding than like, death metal…

However, grindcore is kind of an aquired taste, especially to play, so I'm not gonna demand that all your songs break down into nothing-discernable in the middle of the song, however, I do demand that you/they at least cover some metal-core songs. <_<


equa_olien 18 years, 9 months ago

I like metal, mostly thrash (aka Slayer, Exodus, Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica) but I don't forget music's roots: punk rock. Takedown is more like Led Zeppelin meets Metallica. If they ever really did anything that was not in a retarded sense of funny. I can't wait until summer so they will actually play some gigs.