Just a short post sayin' that a new TOPDOWN executable is out. In case you're interested.
You should download it. I mean, it's got gibs in it…and who doesn't like gibs?In other news, I just started up Steam on the family computer for the first time in awhile (my computer doesn't like Source engine games for some reason), and I fell in love with HL2 SMOD all over again. For those of you who own Half-Life 2 and haven't played SMOD yet, Google or Wikipedia it. It's grand.
Also try out Plan of Attack (<a href="http://www.planofattackgame.com">LINK</a>) which is an amazingly awesome mod for HL2
If you go on, my name on there is[/chicken] Korberosand my teammates are [/chicken] Seras Atomsk and [/chicken] NiNiLs