The True Meaning of 108

Posted by takua108 on May 5, 2006, 5:20 p.m.

Okay, so now it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for. Not really, but here it is anyways: the truth behind my obsession with the number 108.

It all started back in the fifth grade when I was like "dude! I need a screenname for this newfangled Internet thingy!" So, having just beat some Riven-esque LEGO Bionicle online game thingy where you discover your name is Takua at the end, I took that as my name.

However, in my n00bish attempts to be 1337, I thought it'd be cooler if there was a number at the end. The number 108 just popped into my mind, and from that day on it became my lucky number.

But wait! It gets more epic.

I've developed what I call "the curse of the 108," which is where I curse you so that now and forever more, you will start seeing 108's everywhere you go. It sounds stupid, I know, but ask some of my classmates and they'll grudgingly admit that it works. It's crazy.

…Yeah, that story was lame. But most true stories are.

So now to make up for it, <a href="">here's a glimpse at the Conflict: Online website</a>! I literally stayed up all night working on it with RhysAndrews, and I think the end product turned out nicely.

Of course, we still have barrels of work to do on it, but meh, it works.

For the curious-minded, take a look at <a href="">the Wikipedia article on the number 108</a>, to see all of the awesomeness…erm, everything that has to do with 108.

When browsing the list, you'll notice "a central number in the television drama <i>Lost</i>." Coincidentally enough, the guy who plays John Locke on <i>Lost</i>, Terry O'Quinn, is my friend Mike Quinn's uncle. I'm not even kidding. He changed his name because there's already someone in the Screen Actors' Guild named Terry Quinn.

Well, I'm out of useless nonsense to post for now. Check back later and maybe I'll rant about how today, in honor of National Physical Education Week (or something to that effect), I played a grand total of 125 minutes of kickball. Yeah, school blows.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that we don't yet have a cookie system in place on the C:O website. The "Remember Me" box is currently useless…sorry.


Requiem 18 years, 9 months ago

Alright, lemme give you some thoughts on the CO page:

- The layout leaves much to be desired. Text is basically stuck inside the tables with very little space between text and borders.

- I think you used transparent PNGs on the left-side nav. While they ARE fancy, remember that IE renders as ugly disgraces to my GUI icons.

- The place is full of 404s.

- I wanted to do the SQL [:(]

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

Okay, Ray, I'm serious: please post <b>relavent</b> comments. Why do you think you have to post first on every blog entry, just to say some poorly-structured one-liner that barely even pertains to the article? It's pointless, and I would probably be more angry if it didn't increase my Comment count.


- Yeah, it kind of is. Meh. I'll make it look nicer in the future. Especially making the right side-bar look as good as the left one.

- Rhys used those, and I'm probably going to make them transparent GIFs, 'cause IE6 likes them.

- The place is full of 404s because we basically just got the layout down, and now we have to do the content.

- Well…we couldn't ask you while you were away! Sorry…IM me and I'll hook you up with the FTP password so you can modify the site if Rhys says it's okay.