PHP, image_blend, and My Headache

Posted by takua108 on May 7, 2006, 9:37 a.m.

It right now 9:26 my time, and I just stayed up the whole night. My head is frikkin splitting open, and sleep sounds grand right about now. But odds are I have a million chores to do…blast!

I spent a large portion of the night trying to figure out how to use PHP to get a user's color settings from the MySQL table on the <a href="">Conflict website</a>, and then use those variables to draw the legs, torso, and armor graphics on top of each other, each blended with one of the setting colors (like GM's image_blend). It is impossible, I must say. If anyone has a solution please post it. I'm dying over here.

Well, that's all for now, until my head feels better.


marbs 18 years, 9 months ago

what a coincidence. I had a headache a few minutes ago but its nearly gone now. Where I am its half 4 in the afternoon.

shadowstrike32 18 years, 9 months ago

well, i think if you draw a semitransparent block over a PNG w/ transparency, you will be able to do this…

but what many people do is just make separate images and draw the one that is closest in color to the one selected… it would take much less processing time and would be loads faster. just make around 64 color combinations of each part.