Finals, Day One

Posted by takua108 on May 31, 2006, 1:27 p.m.

Well, it's the first day of finals.

Today was both easy and incredibly difficult; I had my Spanish final first, followed by my Geography final. The Spanish was a piece of cake; it just took forever to translate, because I'm not yet to the stage where I can see some Spanish and instantly translate it in my mind to English. Plus, today something <b>else</b> sprouted in my region, my allergies are acting up, and my eyes are burning out of their sockets. (Of course, another contributing factor might have been me staying up until midnight last night playing <i>Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap</i>, but oh well.) I probably got an A or a high B on it; it was <i>muy facil</i>.

Geography, on the other hand, was the test with the most varying difficulty I’ve ever taken. It was two hundred multiple-choice questions (actually only 199 because my teacher forgot one), and the first 130 or so were about vocabulary and a couple traits about different Eastern Hemisphere countries we learned about. Okay, that’s easy enough. But then the rest were all these maps about stuff that I don’t know or don’t care about (like Northeast Africa). There was even a section about Europe, which we didn’t even go over this year! I don’t know where the hell all those major rivers go up there! In fact, as far as countries went, I only knew the UK, Ireland, Italy, and France! (Apologies to those of you who live in Europe.) I’m pretty sure that if I hadn’t cheated on about fifteen of them, I would probably fail. As it is, I’m getting a low B at the <i>very</i> best.

But I don’t really care at all, because I’m not going to do Geography in the future. I’m going to take as few classes of it as possible, and I won’t end up using it at all in my life, as I’m going to be either a programmer of some sort or a freelance web programmer. All I need to do is pass, and I’m good.

After the Geography final, I had to look for my Geography book that I lost early on in the semester. I searched two of the three shelves in the back of the room for it, but to no avail. I did however find the book of a classmate of mine, and she owes me one now. Now I have to go in during lunch or something to find this bloody book.

Speaking of lunch, today’s lunch rocked. At our school, we get an open-campus hour-and-a-half long lunch (Freshmen like myself aren’t given open campus usually) during finals, so Brandon “<a href=â€?â€? target=_blank>equa_olien</a>â€? Freed, Mike Quinn (<a href=â€?â€? target=_blank>nephew of the guy on Lost</a>, as well as one of the drummers and guitarists for <a href="" target=_blank>these awesome songs</a>), and myself got in Brandon’s car and cruised around town, trying to find a somewhat-empty fast-food restaurant that we could get food from. While waiting literally ten minutes at one heavily-trafficked intersection (heavily-trafficked by Rapid City standards), we blasted <a href=â€?â€? target=_blank>some awesome music</a>, scaring the passing senior citizens away. We ended up going to McDonald’s, where we waited fifteen minutes in line for the most miniscule of orders. On the way back to Brandon’s car, we got hailed on. Mike got a chunk the size of a marble in his shoe.

We ate, went back to school, and sat in the parking lot. We listened to music (Rage Against the Machine now), drew retarded depictions of various videogames and movies on my new DS (birthday present), and, eventually, went back to class. Not that I have any more finals today, but, due to circumstances that I won’t explain due to my fingers aching, I’m stuck in this library from now (1:17) until 3:20. Thus, the long and ranting blog post.

Also, apparently, <a href="" target=_blank>only DesertFox and equa_olien like good music</a>. (And equa_olien was present for those recordings, so he doesn’t really count.) Jeez, you guys.


Kaz 18 years, 8 months ago

Our finals are in 2 weeks =(

DesertFox 18 years, 8 months ago

I like just about any music. Music is good…… Music is fun…

Run, I'm the music zombie!

Arcalyth 18 years, 8 months ago

My finals are ne xy week… I'm really worried about the history final because my history teacher's exams are always uberhard.


Josea 18 years, 8 months ago

My finals are 3-4 weeks.

I can see almost any english and tranlate it to spanish.

takua108 18 years, 8 months ago

Well how long have you been learning English? I'm in Spanish 1, which means just this year.

Magicman657 18 years, 8 months ago

Finals can be either a really cool day or a very unpleasant day. So far I've taken my gym final today and I've done just about all of the programming half of my Advanced Programming final. I don't have to take one for Driver's Ed (joy), but on Monday I have to take Physics followed up with English, and neither of them are very fun exams. Long story short, this Friday will be a great day for me, but next Monday (my last day of school) will suck. My sympathies go out to all who have to suffer through exams in the coming weeks.