Somebody Shoot Me

Posted by takua108 on June 14, 2006, 1:18 p.m.

<fieldset><legend>108Badge Status</legend><b>IGNORED</b>

Administrators, moderators, and users are pretty much ignoring my attempts to improve the general appearance of 64Digits by making a reward for good grammar and spelling. More on this in future blogposts.</fieldset>

Yeah, so my mom signed me up for this class that teaches teachers how to use iMovie to make movies, because she heard I could get college credit for it. I already know iMovie because of previous experience from the eighth grade (remind me sometime to upload the video I took…pure hilariousness), but I thought that having some college credits before I even get to college has to be a good thing, so I agreed to it. Right before the class starts (8AM this morning), my mom tells me that she was wrong; I'm actually getting <i>high school</i> credits. I'm cool with that, the less actual school classes I have to take, the better. Plus, iMovie is incredibly easy. So I go to the first day of the class, and it turns out that I'm not eligible for high school credits either, because I'm only a freshman (going to be a sophomore)! So I say "what the hell" and take the class anyways. It's something to do.

Anyways, after spending four and a half hours in front of a Mac OS X computer, I'm…<font size=1>thinking about buying one.</font>

Yeah, I know. I'm thinking about getting a Mac. Shoot me. But first, did you know:<ul><li>Mac OS X is UNIX-based, and has bash and such in it?</li><li>Macs come with <i>barrels</i> of free software</li><li>Macs come with GarageBand, one of the coolest programs on Earth</li></ul>Yeah, those aren't really that many reasons, but meh. I'm not becoming a Mac fanatic or anything, I just want to try something new.

So yeah, let the flaming commence.

And because you're all flaming me about that, feel free to ignore the following news tidbit: <a href="" target=_blank>the editable TOPDOWN I released a couple of days ago</a> has had over fifty downloads, only one non-takua108 comment, and zero ratings? What's wrong, are you all on a gag order or something? Jeez.

Also, admins, the comment I posted on TOPDOWN today was posted a.) from a Mac, b.) using the shitty web browser Safari, and c.) during a minor outage of my school's network. Therefore, I had to re-submit the comment, thus erroneously resulting in the comment count being upped by two, even though there's only one comment. So…meh.

The class will take up my mornings for the rest of the week, so, associates of mine, I will be away for large portions of time (both for the class itself and to make up sleep lost by the class).

<b>[EDIT.01]</b> Also, the PM system is broken. I can't see any message contents.

<b>[EDIT.02]</b> Ignore EDIT.01; I didn't see the front page.


DS 18 years, 8 months ago

I would never buy a Mac. $1999 for a 2.0 GHz machine and only a 128 MB graphics card is insane. I got a more powerful PC for under $1200…two years ago.

Hootiehoo 18 years, 8 months ago

Meh, mac mouses suck. It took me a month to figure out how to right click. 0_0

In my opinion, they handle graphics better than Windows, generally. Also, I've had my mac for several years (before the voice issue) and I can't remember it shutting down randomly. Sure, it froze more than my new (old) computer, but it only shut down (er… without me telling it to) like once or twice in the years I've owned it.

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

I once got a 1992 mac labtop for free, it had a whole 100 mb HD xD, but it was overall really fast for an ancient computer… Of course I didn't have any programs to put on it, nor could I find any… but it did have a right button, and 2 left buttons… O.o

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 8 months ago

I will be the first to say that although I hate Mac OS with a burning hatred, there are two good things the company is doing.

1) They are taking money away from incompetant people and in return giving them something that they can't cause too many problems for intelligent people with.

2) With the newest Macs that run on Intel chips, you can hack them to run Windows XP and it runs amazingly well (even better than on a PC at times). As long as you don't want to play games or run graphics-intensive programs of any kind, its pretty nice to use. I might even buy one just for that.

Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago

Mac OS X is okay. The thing that I like about it is that with the new intel ones, like SleepinJohnnyFish said, there are programs to dual boot. Windows is more towards servers and games, the way I see it, where as Macs are more about media, like GarageBand, and iMovie.

takua108 18 years, 8 months ago

I read in PC Magazine that the programs ran on Intel-based Macs ran slower than Windows PCs with equivalent Intel chips…

Plus, when you say "hack," are you referring to Boot Camp? That does indeed look intriguing. I hope to try it out for myself someday.

Also, a Mac Mini (which is what I'm using at this class) costs only around $600USD…what's wrong with that price? That's relatively good when you factor in the lack of keyboard, mouse, speakers, and monitor. Relatively good for a Mac, anyways.