The Steam of Game Maker

Posted by takua108 on June 15, 2006, 2:52 a.m.

<fieldset><legend>108Badge Status</legend><b>STILL IGNORED</b>

Administrators, moderators, and users are <i>still</i> pretending that I'm not trying to improve our community through improving n00b grammar and spelling. I'm pretty sure that writing this isn't helping, but it sure is fun using fieldsets.</fieldset>

After checking out <a href="" target=_blank>the Darkstar Game System</a>, and, frankly, thinking I could do better, I've started a new side-project (next to my mini-first-person-shooter thing, TOPDOWN, and Conflict: Online…and that's not counting all of the PHP projects). So, an hour and a half later than I should be awake, here's the concept for the main window, with the "Games" pane active. <b>(Click for full view)</b>

<a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0 /></a>

Yes, I know…a lot of the fonts were too small or unreadable. I apologize; I used Fireworks MX for the entire thing.

In other random news, Yourself has released <a href="" target=_blank>his Gregex regular expressions DLL</a>. I highly suggest checking it out if you know regular expressions at all, and can think of any awesome way to use them in your game.

And, um…yeah. Not much more news for today. Unless I come back with <a href="" target=_blank>some controversial Mac-related topic that gets me like, a billion replies</a>.

So until next time…don't stay up as late as I am right now when you have school the next day. It makes you look like you smoked enough marijuana to fill an…um…house.


Firebird 18 years, 8 months ago

Yeesk. It probably takes less time to start up a web browser and navigate to your list of games than it does to start up either 'Auto-update' things.

No offence or anything, but I (personally) think that it is a waste of time and/or Hard Drive space.

Good luck with your project, though. Maybe make an auto-patcher for one of your games? That would be usefull.

Also, how did you come up with 108? IQ (doubt it)? Age (maybe your age times a number)? 64D ID even?

Good luck!

takua108 18 years, 8 months ago

<a href="" target=_blank>The True Meaning of 108</a>.

And an auto-<i>patcher</i> would be difficult, without leaving your game open for code injection…plus, I plan on making a PHP-based "accounts" system where you can add your own content to the catalog. I want this to eventually be…well, Steam for Game Maker users. Kind of like 64Digits, but without anything <i>but</i> the games and comments system.

And it's possible that with my extreme unused web server space and bandwidth that I may be able to host files, too.

Firebird 18 years, 8 months ago

Cool. Maybe a central hub for… stuff. But that would defeat the purpose of 64D :p.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 8 months ago

This kinda thing is only a good idea if other people get on and let you add their games to the list of available content, in my opinion.

takua108 18 years, 8 months ago

Firebird: I don't think so. 64Digits is all about the community…for example, communal pwnage (you just killed me). This is about the games and tools created with and for Game Maker, something I feel that 64Digits hasn't focused on for awhile now.

Fred: Yeah, that's the plan. Making it just so I could post only my games would indeed be pointless.

joelito 18 years, 8 months ago

I like.. I was thinking on doing the same thing after I saw Darkstar Game System but you were faster.. I think it would be great if all the comunity could use it to show their creations.

contrendo 18 years, 8 months ago

That sounds really really cool! And when your talking about steam i made HL2 Episode 1 yesterday =)

Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago

It makes you look like you smoked enough marijuana to fill an…um…house.
and… what's wrong with that now?

Also, I think that what would be nice, is if other people with web space offered to host some games, and there could be different hosts by category. For example, someone could offer to host arcade games. Someone could offer to host Shooters. Then it would be easy to browse them by category.

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 8 months ago

Looks cool and not all noobs have bad grammer. And I misspell words because i'm to lazy to get a dictinary

Tasm 18 years, 8 months ago

Looks cool, but I can't say I'd be interested.