Random News Ahoy!

Posted by takua108 on June 20, 2006, 10:31 p.m.

<fieldset><legend>108Badge Status</legend><b>Forgotten</b><br />Nobody cares about the coolness that is the 108Badge anymore, so…this'll probably be the last status-block for it. Too bad, really.</fieldset>

So yeah, there's not much happening here in takua108land. So little, in fact, that you get to see a whole buncha little news tidbits in an unordered list.<ul><li><a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=takua108&cmd=comments&id=4091" target=_blank>Apparently, people don't recognize awesome Flash animation like they should</a></li><li><a href="http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=860" target=_blank>The most recent TOPDOWN SDK has received a 10/10.</a> Downvoting is just one more reason to download and leave a comment!</li><li>In playing old <i>Half-Life</i> mods, I've discovered that <i>Half-Life: Azure Sheep</i> kicks ass massively. Among the cool things you can do in it:<ul><li>Work alongside Gordon for like two seconds, hear his (poorly acted) voice, and see him go into that fateful room where he gets pwnt by the soldiers (the intermission in <i>HL1</i>)</li><li>See Gordon drive to Black Mesa (canonically incorrect, I know) in his awesome car</li><li>Play as (a) Barney (<b>not</b> Calhoun), and eventually get a blue HEV suit</li><li>Restart the game EVERY TIME you die, due to Steam not liking it's code (and crashing)</li><li>…a whole bunch more that I'm too lazy to list</li></ul></li><li>A F.E.A.R. expansion pack has been announced, and I'm already dumping in multiple corners</li><li>My CyberNation is flourishing, but I'll spare you the details</li><li>My CyberNation has yet to obtain uranium</li><li>Work on the new GameCave website is still underway, but it's kinda been slowed due to my recent Internet outages</li><li>I beat <i>New Super Mario Bros.</i> for the DS, and now I'm playing <i>Breath of Fire</i> (GBA), because my friend told me it was awesome</li><li><a href="http://www.rockstargames.com/classics" target=_blank>You can now download <i>Grand Theft Auto 1&2</i> for free from the Rockstar Games website</a></li></ul>That's all the news I can think of, so yeah, I'm done. Post derogatory comments and such.


Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago

awesome.. I'm gonna dload GTA2 tomrrow.

Cesar 18 years, 8 months ago

cool, random info is awesome, that's why I just started a random info series that is updated weekly! I began a while ago, but that's sooo cool, restart game when you die… how many games need that… also, that is awesome, free GTA 1 AND 2…

Arcalyth 18 years, 8 months ago

Keep begging for the 108Badge, they'll give in eventually. (Or just ban you, who knows :P)


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 8 months ago

They won't give you that badge… at least I hope they don't. They've given enough badges already. It's getting ridiculous.

takua108 18 years, 8 months ago

Wow, thanks. I appreciate it when people only comment on my blogs to say negative things to me.