[108@digipen] Day 00-01

Posted by takua108 on July 11, 2006, 2:05 p.m.

Yeah, sorry about not posting yesterday's supposedly daily blog, but I had to walk my aunt and uncle's overly-excited dog after dinner, so I didn't get home until too late.

Anyways, I arrived in Seattle after flying by myself okay, except for the fact I was bored beyond all reason. It was three hours in-between flights and the second flight was a four-hour flight, so I ended up burning out both my DS and MP3 player. In other words, I had nothing to do for the last hour. Except sleep.

So after getting my baggage (one carry-on, two not), I went to my aunt and uncle's place and dropped it off, then immediately went to perhaps the most awesome place to eat…ever.

It was this crazy sushi place where the food is prepared in the middle of the room inside of an elliptical counter, sort of like a bar. On the inside edge of the "bar" is a conveyer belt that goes around in circles delivering the food. The food is prepared, put onto color-coded plates, and then placed on the conveyer belt. If you want anything, you just grab a plate off of the belt, eat it, keep the plate, and then you're charged based on the number and color of the plates you ate off of (i.e. green=$1.00, blue=$1.50, etc.). It was delicious, and also my first time eating sushi.

But back to DigiPen…

We spent the first half of the first day learning about how the videogame industry works, and how we're going to be making our game. We're using a DigiPen-created piece of software called ProjectFUN, as it turns out. It's basically Game Maker but using C++. And it's confusing because ProjectFUN "sprites" are Game Maker "objects," for example.

I'll upload my game that I make when it's done in a week so you can see how crappy it is. Stuff you can do in Game Maker is almost guaranteed to take 400% more time in ProjectFUN, but that's because it's using real C++.

Today we're making a Breakout clone as a class, and I'm doing all sorts of relatively cool stuff with it. That's because I'm probably the only one here with actual programming experience. It seems like out of my class, roughly 40% are nerdy ("nerdy" in my book means "let's discuss at length the best strategies for games like Super Smash Bros."), 30% are "cool," and 30% are actually 1337-ish.

I apologize for not having any photos yet, that's because I forgot my digital camera today and yesterday. Oops.

I'd elablorate more, but lunch break is over, and it's time to add particle effects to Breakout.


shadowstrike32 18 years, 7 months ago

C++ is hard, i agree. fortunately i have experience because i had to program a robot with it.

Anyway, sushi is good. I want some.

Josea 18 years, 7 months ago

wait, where are you? in some sort of programming summer camp? 0_o 0_o 0_o

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

I love sushi.

Also, do they still use Project FUN at the digipen camps? It's a decent program…

takua108 18 years, 7 months ago

DigiPen is a college you go to to learn how to program games and do 3D animation. I'm currently at DigiPen for a summer workshop.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 7 months ago

I saw this in Nintendo Power a few years ago, project fun. They were doing some segment on game devolpment, but it was dropped.

RhysAndrews 18 years, 7 months ago

When are you coming back, Takua?


melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago


roughly 40% are nerdy ("nerdy" in my book means "let's discuss at length the best strategies for games like Super Smash Bros."), 30% are "cool," and 30% are actually 1337-ish

Whoa, big class. Last summer when I took my computer course, it was only a class of four. It cost a lot of money though. =( Of the people in it… We were all cool, one more of a trouble maker (he liked throwing stuff at us, XD).

Extravisual 18 years, 7 months ago

Sushi is the best.