[108] Wow...first post in awhile

Posted by takua108 on Sept. 18, 2006, 3:17 a.m.

Let me start off my first blog-post in far too long with <a href="http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Santa">an astounding revelation</a>. Wow. Way to start off the day.

Anyways, as you probably guessed, I'm back in school. Tenth grade. Bleh.

I apologize for all of my repeated absences on 64Digits, MSN Messenger, and such recently, because I've kind of hit a development block. I dunno why. Plus the stress of school has sort of caused me to not want to program anything recently. Well…not directly anyways.

I've really gotten back into <a href="http://www.dystopia-game.com">Dystopia</a> recently. So much so that I'm learning Hammer so I can make a map or two.

Not that anyone reading this <i>plays</i> Dystopia or anything…

Anywho, before my rant on school sucking the brains of yet-to-be children from their umbilical cords, I need to report that due to my website being temporarily taken offline due to bandwidth overload (and later put back online after promising to fix the problem), I've disabled those nifty statistic-graphs, posted below. Too bad, 'cuz they were cool. Maybe I'll figure out some sort of caching system so they can, like, only be updated every day or something. I dunno. Like I said, I'm not in a development mood.

So back to school sucking, I'm in Web Page Programming this year. Now, when you hear the name "Web Page Programming" and you see <i>another</i> course listed next to it in the Choose-Your-Courses Book of Doom titled "Web Page Design," you tend to assume that "Web Page Programming" has to do with JavaScript, maybe some PHP, quite possibly even some Perl. Well you'd be two-thirds wrong if you thought such a thing!

Two weeks into WPP and we haven't hacked out one line of "code" yet. Seriously. It's been all "how to design your website." Which I assumed was covered in the other course.

Oh, and did I mention that their version of "programming" is HTML with a little bit of copy-and-paste JavaScript thrown in? Not even any CSS or PHP? Yeah. Reeeeaaaaaal advanced shit you've got going on there.

Ah. Also forgot to mention: they took our (soda) pop machines out last Wednesday. They replaced them with a Powerade machine (next to the one that was already there), a water machine (literally a whole machine devoted to bottled water), and a NesQuik machine (which, admittedly, is pretty awesome-tasting; the price, at $1.25 a bottle, is not). We all plan to revolt by not buying any bottled water, which we actually would've done anyways, regardless of whether they took our pop machines or not. I mean seriously. Who <i>buys</i> water? When there's NesQuik next to them for the same price?

So now I have to survive the rest of the year on bottled sweetened iced tea, which actually isn't so bad, seeing as how I love the stuff.

But I digress. (I've always wanted to say that in one of my blog posts, which is highly ironic seeing as how I digress in almost <i>every</i> post anyways).

Well, I'm out of things to rant about. If you want to play me in some Garry's Mod Zombie Mod, The Specialists, or Dystopia, add "inkedskin" to your Steam friends, and talk to me sometime. I've got nothing else better to do.

EDIT: Forgot to mention: I'm changing my Pseudorandopedia links-of-the-post to:

<fieldset><legend>Did you know?</legend><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PS2_Linux">…that there was an actual Linux distribution for the PS2? Like, retail-packaged and everything?</a>

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevada-tan">…that an eleven-year-old Japanese girl killing a classmate while wearing a "Nevada" sweatshirt sparked an Internet phenomenon?</a>

<a href="http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/WTF">…that typing "WTF" in the search box in the Valve Developer Wiki brings up a page of easter eggs?</a> (okay, not Wikipedia, but still)

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-Man">…that typing "G-Man" into the search box in Wikipedia brings up a disambiguation page, with one of the results being "G-men (magazine), a monthly Japanese magazine for gay men?"</a>

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reel_Big_Fish">…that Reel Big Fish totally kicks your ass?</a>

…that my blinking cursor has disappeared from this text-input field, and I'm going to now hit the "Submit" button to avoid any more Firefox glitches?</fieldset>

EDIT.02: Holy cripes on toast, <a href="http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=860">TOPDOWN v09 Editable</a> has 174 downloads and counting! Thanks for downloading, everyone, but, at the same time, thanks for <i>not</i> commenting! [>>]


Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

Or you could always use that.

-0NL1N3- 18 years, 5 months ago

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

Alpha Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Wikipedia sucks.

takua108 18 years, 5 months ago

Well I see my readers haven't gotten any more relevant with their replies since I've last posted.

And Wikipedia pwns your sorry ass.

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

So many nubcaeks!

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Wikipedia sucks.
Who told that? Your librarian?