Posted by thedrunkendead on Nov. 6, 2006, 9:26 p.m.

Let me think about some things and finish my calc.

Ok done. (I had to think for a bit, and it is pointless to type that out but hopefully it established some reader-writer connection? ( Not a question, and it pisses me off when someone places a mark of that sort on a statement or opinion ( same difference ( I cant stand when people use that either. Same difference implies four instances with two comparisons, both alike ( for instance {5,3} and {6,4} have the same difference ) in their differentiated outcome ) really, just something not a question ) as it doesn't ask for anything and if it did it is rhetorical.) Which can help if I am to connect to you ( also wrong, sentences don't start with which. ) Now, having obliterated the normally single parenthesis levels of your mind, I will go to a new paragraph for all of you who skipped this first paragraph.

Ive posted Line Tools, which is a program (FYI) that is for exporting GML CODE with VARIABLES for ROTATION and for SCALE. It ISN'T for doodling and going "Cool drawing app". It is only good for people who aren't using sprites in their game, or for some reason want to make an object with only GM draw functions. The code can easily go into a script and at the beginning you can put something like

rot = argument0;

scale = argument1;

To get a nice little function to make your creation with just the call of a function.

Finnaly, I have something that I made for Elusid's TDS. Its the map editor. Not an actual release, but a beta. I would like for some people to try it before its released. It has no use right now as TDS cannot import the maps. If you hack into the "encryption", then good for you, your a retard. Nothing bad can come of editing the raw map file but a crashed game. Once the importer for TDS is done, this will be packaged with it. The annoying little thing at start is me messing around, but because it takes forever to upload it will have to stay for now.


Well back to studying. And remember when reading someone else's blog:

You didn't have to read it. No whinning when you leave unfulfilled and still with an empty hole longing to be filled in your heart.


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 3 months ago


aeron 18 years, 3 months ago

Hey, a nice warm welcome to 64Digits! You have no idea how good it is to see a new user who seems to know what he's doing. Your blog is awesome. No questions.

Nice map editor, too.

marbs 18 years, 3 months ago

I like the map editor. good work.