Random creations

Posted by thedrunkendead on Nov. 7, 2006, 3:35 p.m.

I decided to go though all of my GM creations and decided what I am going to progress on and what I am not. Anything I am not going to work on I like to put source code up for just in case anyone has a use for it. I don't need any recognition should people use any of it.



• Reliance 2 source code. This is a basic top-down shooter. The weapons are independant of the player. That is you can duplicate the object and use that. There are two levels of lighting: surface shading and hard-line LOS. It runs slow now (for some) and I think could be done better, so I am stopping work on it.

• Player/Center Rox, which are two platformer game ideas I had (inspired byy PREY). Center rox is where the player falls to one point, while player rox has the world rotate around the player. I would like to see a game like center rox, but its up to you.

• Particles that I played with. They use a layer force gradient so you can have many all acting on eachother with force. Its slow from the get_pixel, but I dont know how else I would do it. Perhaps a 2d array? Anyways, there is also a version with an edited force gradient so they "bubble" together. I tried to get it working with GearGOD's metaballs but failed (didn't try enough).

• Binary search example. Includes the function to get the collision point outwards along a ray. Very fast. Just, again, a scrap I have.

• Scripts for string_section, file_get_line, draw_button and mrel. mrel and draw_button I use in the TDS map editor for the buttons (previous blog). Basically use draw_button to draw a button at the given coordinates and mrel in a click event in step for the action to take place. Again, scrap.

Beyond that I am in the library. Kind of bored having finished a calculus test. I thought I aced it until I thought of how I was supposed to do one. It crushed me. I solved it though. The answer was 16.50 and I said 8.00

Hope she doesn't notice…

The question was to maximize the revenue of a stadium that can seat 15000, charges $12 for admission and gets 11000 guests, and for each dollar the ticket price drops 1000 people will come. I said 15000 = -1000x + 23000 and got the price to charge to fill the stadium, 8. Then I did it again and crushed my little spirit. I was so hopeful on this test = (


aeron 18 years, 3 months ago


Hope she doesn't notice…
Don't worry, she won't XD