[t] Axe Bomber

Posted by thernz on Feb. 25, 2007, 6:47 a.m.

A new challenger awaits!

This is an Axe Bomber. Axes hurt like a bitch in molten lava slapping you around with words or hands or so forth. Of course, as a Chinese samurai, axes hurt you greatly as you're too much of a stingy idiot to buy real armor and go around the countryside of Qinlynn in just a robe. Besides, women in robes are hot. These Axe Bombers have helmets that are sharp, see? Don't be an idiot and walk into them.

The Boxers are a like totally radical group focused on taking out all foreign influence from the great China which is where you are. No, you're not in Japan or India or Ferghana. Nevertheless, they prefer western armor over any other. They're hypocrites like that.

Like their name implies, they use axes. However, they are too incompetent or lazy to swing those said axes at cute little Chinese samurai based on girl I like and thus is creepy you. Instead, they throw their steel axes engulfed in the flames of Svarog. Obviously, this hurts just like I said. "Like a bitch in molten lava slapping you around with words or hands or so forth."

They usually group up with Qinlynn Lancers.

These guys:

They like orgies, see? Qinlynn Lancers do too.

Yes, they count as gay monsters. All the more reason to kill them. Not saying I have anything against gays, but they're gay monsters so.


I want Ys: Oath of Felghana.


thernz 17 years, 11 months ago

Eh. Everyone else I know writes clearly. I just don't because I want to.