[t] nice thighs

Posted by thernz on Feb. 15, 2008, 5:38 a.m.

New Boss: Kamarena. He's not really new. He was the shopkeeper in the old demo. Now he's um…


He also shoots arrows from his bow. Maybe they should be lasers and not arrows. Anyway, he isn't an interesting boss. He just shoots different bullet patterns then teleports to another place. I'll probably will just discard the current design and make a new boss so yeah, that means I've made no progress today. harharhar.

Also, as of right now, the game has no story still. I should come up with one. It'll mostly contain China, communism, and industrial revolutions. They're just so snazzy.

Concerning Valentine's Day:

Success. Imai Kanehira Shiro accepted my dvd of Spinal Tap. He said He'd watch it or something. Yeah. I also gave him a valentine saying nice thighs. I'm not sure if that's true. I'll have to look at his thighs again. I also gave him a Hershey kiss because I'm cheap and predicted she wouldn't accept a whole box of chocolates from me. That, and I'm a bit low of money right now.




im on a roll today except that i keep forgetting to turn in my hw arggggh.


E-Magination 17 years ago

I don't think just "nice thighs" would make a girl happy.

thernz 17 years ago

well it does.

OBELISK 17 years ago

Your games called, they wanted you to stop making them exactly the same.

thernz 17 years ago

Not until I finish one.

TomatoeWorm 17 years ago