MusicThen: CASTLEBANIA MUSICSNow: Himekami, Village Kollektiv, Lin Hai, GUNDAM MUSICS, various Celtic and Chinese Ethno, RPG PROGRESSIVE METAL MUSICS, AnthemTrend: fuck castlevaniaTelevisionThen: Hardly watchedNow: Super Sentai, Kamen RiderTrend: Go justified violence go!MoviesThen: …Now: …Trend: Never liked movies that much.HobbiesThen: Making games, drawing, stalkingNow: Making games, drawing, reading up on good old religion and Eastern History, stalking with consentTrend: More legal with the added consentPolitical ViewsThen: WHAT IS THIS POLITIC?Now: Candy AbsolutismTrend: :YOutlook on lifeThen: This world reeks of social shit.Now: I'm cute enough that girls don't care if I touch them!Trend: I'M WAY COOLER NOWOverall Trend: My brain is melting and it rocks.Also:
Perhaps you haven't changed, the girls have.
I think it's more like I realized I could.
I herd u leik to play castle vaaaniaaa.
wHat? what thE FucK???translation: lolwut?
Oh, very deep thernz.
Thernody… Will ya marry me yet?