Well, okay, this was colored pretty lamely.
Lamer unfinished ground tile. Too lazy to sprite the buildings. Also need to redo rightmost sprite to fit new color scheme of character.Color Scheme: http://i364.photobucket.com/albums/oo82/_thernz_/horriblebeatenwithastickthenthro-3.pngSlap animation that isn't completed but I got lazy.Finally, I updated an old game so it actually has checkpoints (well, you start at the beginning of the room) instead of the game just restarting.http://dl.dropbox.com/u/785954/Inferno%20of%20Anger.rarThe second level is still horrible and the bosses are still underwhelming, but yeah. You can collect cats now.fff
Yeah she is colored lamely indeed. Still better than I can, though =P
Don't like the hair, unless she's supposed to star in a Japanese horror. Other than that, no reason to complain.
Yeah I just blocked in the hair.
Didn't really put any effort into that.Better than my art shit.
lovely face at least.